Chapter 3

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'Baby I'm home' I called into the house, Wilmer walked around the corner and embraced me in a hug kissing me 'hola hermosa, how was your day?' He asked as we pulled away 'it was amazing, I love my students! Well most of them, I met this one little girl...' My face dropped as I thought of Lyric, the cutest thing I've ever met 'what's wrong hermosa?' I sighed debating on whether to tell Wilmer about what I had seen 'she purges' I said in a low whisper 'hermosa did she trigger you?' I shook my head 'I saw her getting bullied and I fell in love with her, she's an orphan you know? She didn't really trigger me, I mean like a little bit but not badly' he nodded and took my hand dragging me up to the mirror 'you are beautiful and healthy, I love you so much' he said with his arms wrapped around my waist, I turned around and kissed him 'feel better now?' I nodded 'thank you so much' he smiled 'so tell me more about this young girl' he sat down on the bed, then laid back motioning for me to come and snuggle with him, I laid down next to him putting my head on his chest and looking up to him 'well she has medium length dirty blond curly hair, with the most adorable brown eyes and she's really skinny, it's scary, she looks about eight, she is bullied and it broke my heart when I saw her with her head on her desk, she reminds me so much of myself at that age, she looks so tired of fighting and I just want to cry thinking about it' tears had fallen down my cheeks, Wilmer wiped them away 'she's an orphan like I said, and I'd say she's kind of clumsy, I met her when she fell down the stairs' he chuckled 'she sounds a little bit like you hermosa' I chuckled 'and she likes my music, even though she's only heard one song, she can sing too!' I exclaimed 'did she know who you were?' I shook my head 'you should have seen the look on her little face when I sang a bit of it with her, she was so confused and surprised it was so cute!' He chuckled 'you seem to love this little girl hermosa' I nodded 'I feel like I can be someone for her to connect to you know? She obviously hasn't had a mother or father figure for a while and I kind of want to be that for her' he smiled at me 'you are so compassionate' I smiled back at him 'and I feel like she needs someone who understands her situation a bit more, I've been that little girl leaning over the toilet sticking her fingers down her throat because she believes she is fat, I've been bullied' god I hope she doesn't self harm, I remember I started at that age 'then tell her, and offer her that support, as for the purging you can only watch her whilst she's at school, so at least you'll know that she's getting one meal and keeping it down five days out of seven' I nodded 'I've only met her today and I'm already scared to lose her' he kissed my forehead 'it's because you relate to her' I nodded again.

I walked into the empty classroom and began to prepare for the first lesson of the day, they were going to free write, their own stories with no prompts? Kids started to fill the classroom as the bell rang but there was no sign of Lyric, I wonder where she is, I really don't want to yell at her but I know I have to if she's late. After ten minutes Lyric walked into the classroom then walked up to me and handed me a note 'I'm sorry for being late Miss Lovato' she said with her head hung low 'I'll read the note then decide what we're going to do okay? Go take your seat' she nodded and sat down, I walked over to her and bent down to her level 'so you're writing a story this morning, it can be about anything you want it to, write from the heart, nobody's going to read it but me' she nodded and started to write, I walked the short distance back to my desk and started to read the note she gave me

"To whomever it may concern, I sincerely apologize for Lyric being late today, she was in an altercation this morning and we had to deal with it before she left for school, making her miss her bus and she had to walk

Sincerely Margret"

Altercation? I wonder if she started this or not, I guess I'll talk to her about it later. Kids started to give me their stories as they had finished, most of them were about crime fighting robots or rainbow unicorns, I saw Lyric with her head down focused on her paper, she was squinting at it which made me think she may possibly need glasses, maybe I'll have Margret take her to the optometrist, the bell rang and Lyric sighed handing me the paper, she turned around to leave but I stopped her 'come see me at lunch, we need to talk, but don't worry you're not in trouble' she nodded and left the classroom, today was one of the days I don't have her all day, I had next period free so I decided I would mark these stories, I picked up Lyrics first and immediately furrowed my eyebrows, it's in Spanish! How did she even write this entire paper in Spanish and how am I going to grade it? Wilmer I can get him to read it, I took a photo of the paper and sent it to Wilmer asking him if he could translate, whilst trying to read it

"Las lágrimas corrían por las chicas jóvenes se enfrentan a medida que se acercaba el viejo roble "si la vida es un regalo, ¿por qué es tan difícil de desenvolver", dijo mientras se subió al árbol. Cuando abrió su mochila y sacó la cuerda de la joven se detuvo para mirar el bosque viejo, que estaba oscuro y tranquilo, un lugar que alguien se utilizan casi como su última visión antes de salir de la tierra y sus muchos misterios. Se ató la cuerda alrededor del árbol, luego metió la mano en su bolso y cogió la pieza de metal brillante. Arrastrando hacia abajo que su muñeca se empuja hacia abajo, luego se trasladó a la otra muñeca e hizo lo mismo. "Y nunca se dieron cuenta de lo mucho que sus palabras hieren la niña hasta que fue demasiado tarde" ella puso su cuello en la cuerda de "la niña fue encontrado colgando, sangre cubría la nieve blanca debajo de ella, ella era libre" saltó no lamentar una sola cosa, y esa fue la última vez que alguien oído de Gracie Marston."

There were too many words for me to even pick a sentence, I was homeschooled remember? Wilmer texted me back

From Babyyyyyy: who wrote this hermosa!?

To babyyyyyy: Lyric why?

From Babyyyyyy: shit you need to talk to her

To Babyyyyyy: what does it say?

From Babyyyyyy: I really don't want you to get triggered hermosa

To Babyyyyyy: is it really that bad?

From Babyyyyyy: yes. I'll come in and read it to you, you have a free now right?

To Babyyyyyy: yes, come to my classroom

After ten minutes Wilmer came into my classroom, I gave him a quick kiss before pulling him to my desk 'what does it say' he sat down and pulled me onto his lap 'if I read this to you, you have to promise me you'll tell me if it triggers you' I nodded 'I promise' he sighed before picking up her paper off the desk 'Tears streamed down the young girls face as she approached the old oak tree "if life is a gift, why is it so hard to unwrap" she said as she climbed the tree. As she opened her backpack and took out the rope the young girl stopped to look at the old forest, it was dark and peaceful, a place someone would almost use as their last sight before leaving earth and it's many mysteries. She tied the rope around the tree, then reached into her bag and grabbed the shiny piece of metal. Dragging it down her wrist she pushed down, then moved to her other wrist and did the same. "And they never realized how much their words hurt the little girl until it was too late" she put her neck in the rope "the little girl was found hanging, blood covering the white snow below her, she was free" she jumped not regretting a single thing, and that was the last time anyone heard from Gracie Marston.' How in the fuck did an eleven year old write this, and in Spanish! Holy shit! It was triggering but I knew how to overcome those thoughts 'hermosa are you okay' I nodded, he shook his head 'you are crying and sitting on your hands, you are triggered I know' I sighed 'only a little bit' he kissed me 'you are beautiful, you don't have to do anything to change that' I kissed him again 'thank you baby' wait she talked about cutting in this, please tell me she doesn't do it, and please tell me this precious little angel doesn't want to kill herself 'you need to talk to her hermosa, I'm really hoping that she just wrote this because she was sad and not because Gracie represents her' I nodded 'I am at lunch baby, then I can make sure she eats' he kissed my forehead 'stay strong hermosa, text me if you need me' I nodded and he left, I had to mark the piece of writing highly it was amazing!

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