Chapter 14

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I looked at the fragile little girl that lay in my arms, bruises covering her face and god knows where else. I wanted to cry she looked so broken, I can remember being like her as a kid and it kills me to think that she hurts like I did. My phone started to ring, I quickly picked it up so that it wouldn't wake Lyric

'Demetria! Who is this child? I swear if you kidnapped one of your students'
'It's my daughter momma, her name is Lyric'
'Daughter? Since when?'
'A couple of days ago'
'Dem, you can't just adopt a kid because you feel like it'
'It wasn't like that momma, Wilmer and I had already decided on adopting her, but it was going to be after I finished working at the school, then something happened and I had to get her out of the orphanage'
'Dallas was right'
'I know she was'
'When can I meet her?'
'I don't know momma, she's nervous around new people'
'Who does she know?'
'Wilmer and Marissa'
'Marissa met my granddaughter before me?' She faked hurt
'Well she lives with us so...'
'Okay, come over for dinner'
'Okay momma I love you'
'I love you too baby'

I hung up the phone 'we are going to momma's for dinner' Marissa nodded from the other side of the couch, I ran my fingers through Lyrics hair she twitched a bit but didn't wake up. A few tears fell from my eyes 'Dem what's up, what's wrong?' Marissa asked worriedly looking at me 'I can't believe they hurt her like this Mar, I'm her mom now I'm supposed to protect her but I did a pretty terrible job at that didn't I?' She shook her head 'Demi, you did amazing, she was beat up when you were dealing with her other bully, so it's not your fault, she doesn't blame you and neither should you'

I wanted to cry just looking at her, it was insane the amount of love I had for my little girl, who I only met two months ago. Marissa sat next to me and rubbed my back, trying to comfort me as she could obviously see the sad expression on my face.

It had been two hours and the door closed 'Marissa! Help me surprise Demi' Marissa started to laugh loudly, I smacked her and told her to shut up because I didn't want her waking Lyric, Wilmer walked into where we were sitting and furrowed his eyebrows 'you are home?' I nodded and looked down at Lyric 'what the fuck happened to her?' He screamed as he followed my glance, causing her to stir, I shook my head knowing I wouldn't be able to say it without crying 'she was beat up' Marissa said sadly, Wilmer frowned obviously mad 'babe, we're going to moms for dinner' he nodded 'okay hermosa' he leant forward and kissed me.

Another hour had passed and Lyric was slowly starting to wake up, 'hey babygirl' I smiled at her as she opened her eyes 'how long has it been?' She asked in her cute little raspy voice 'it's been three hours babygirl, we got to get some lunch in you and then were all going to go pick up my sister from school and go to my moms' she nodded hesitantly 'they are going to love you baby so much okay?' She nodded again.

After we had eaten lunch I quickly changed Lyric into something less revealing of her bruises 'you feel better now?' She nodded 'thank you' she wrapped her arms around my neck, I picked her up and carried her downstairs where Marissa and Wilmer were already waiting, Wilmer was going to drive so that Marissa could have a break and I could sit in the back with Lyric. 'Can we listen to you Demi?' Lyric asked quietly, Marissa put confident on through the cars Bluetooth and Lyric smiled 'thank you Mar' I giggled at her cuteness while she danced to the song 'What do I call you when we are with your family?' She asked curiously 'Demi, or whatever you want' I smiled down at her 'can I call you mommy? In front of them? Or will you get into trouble?' I giggled 'you can call me that if you want babygirl' she smiled 'okay mommy' my heart fluttered when she called me mommy, I saw Wilmer smile through the mirror 'I always wanted a mom, thank you for fulfilling my wish Demi' she said kissing my cheek, bringing happy tears to my eyes.

I held onto Lyrics hand as we got out of the car 'we have to sign Maddie out and pick her up, then we'll go to my moms' she nodded 'is your sisters name Maddie? That's a pretty name' she said smiling 'yeah it is babygirl.' I felt Lyric tense up behind me as we passed a group of girls 'what's wrong babygirl?' She shook her head and wrapped her arms around my waist, I could see Marissa and Wilmer from the corner of my eye looking worried, I picked her up and she buried her face in my shoulder 'they were from the orphanage, friends with Bailey' she mumbled out, as I felt wetness hit my shoulder, I rubbed her back 'it's okay baby, your safe in my arms no one can hurt you' she kept her head in my shoulder. 'How may I help you? Oh hey Demi' The reception lady said 'Hey Carol, I'm here to pick up Madison' she nodded and handed me a sheet to sign her out, I signed it and she called her up 'Madison De La Garza to the front office, Madison De La Garza' I giggled thinking about her reaction, I hid behind Wilmer and Marissa with Lyric still on my hip 'what are we doing mom?' Lyric whispered in my ear 'we are surprising Maddie' she nodded and I then ran behind a wall that lead to the principals office so that I wash sure she couldn't see us. 'Mar! Wilmer!' I heard Maddie scream 'do you know who the kid with Demi was?' Maddie asked almost instantly making me giggle 'maybe you should ask her' Mar said 'wait are you taking me to her house, oh my god I love you' I used this as my time to scare her by walking up behind her and hugging her with one arm the other still holding Lyric, she screamed and then turned around to see who it was 'DEMI!' She screamed throwing her arms around me and Lyric, not even noticing that I had her in my arms 'wait a second' she unwrapped her arms from me 'oh my god, she's even cuter in person, but why do you have an eight year old?' I heard Lyric laugh which made me feel better that she was feeling better 'I'm actually eleven' she giggled 'no way' Maddies jaw dropped, making me laugh harder 'wanna be put down now babygirl?' She nodded and I put her on the ground, Maddie hugged me properly before turning to Lyric 'I like you name Maddie, it's pretty' Lyric said 'thank you cutie whats your name?' Maddie asked 'it's Lyric, Lyric Leigh' she giggled 'Lovato!' I added in earning a giggle from Lyric 'wait Leigh? How's that spelt?' Maddie asked excitedly 'like Dallas' Mads' she nodded 'well I'm Madison, Madison Lee, but you probably already knew that' I laughed at their cuteness, 'let's get in the car girls' Lyric grabbed my hand and shook her head 'mom I don't want to, I'm scared' she said as she started to shake, I bent down to her level 'baby we have to get to the car' she shook her head, Maddie observed the situation 'hey Lyric, come with me I promise if anyone tries to touch you I'll kick their ass' she said laughing, holding her hand out for Lyric, Lyric looked at me and I nodded, she slowly walked over to Maddie and took her hand.

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