Chapter 28

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It's time.

I've been ready for this for ages, I just haven't found the right time, but that time is now. I watched as mom and Dallas walked out of the room, of course I was crying, I didn't want mom to leave, but for bigger reasons this time. Shortly after they left both Amelia and Ashlynn left the room, leaving me alone. I quickly pulled every cord they had on me off of me and made a run for the bathroom, which Amelia had only just unlocked. I was quite lucky, the eating disorder unit had a fire escape in every third persons bathroom, and I just happened to have one in mine. I locked the bathroom door to stall Amelia and Ashlynn if they came back and quickly climbed out of the window onto the fire escape stairs. I ran down them until I had a safe height to jump and then I jumped and ran onto the back road of the hospital. I felt so good being able to use my own two feet again but I was also kind of wobbly. I told mom I was going to try to recover but after this she won't have to worry about me anymore, nobody will. 

My legs started to get tired after about fifteen minutes of running, but I knew that I had to keep running until I was far enough from the hospital. I was running in a weird pattern so that they wouldn't be able to find me but I had one destination and I was not stopping until I reached it.

I took in the scenery as I ran, it was so beautiful. I was freezing though, I'm only wearing a hospital gown with underwear and I'm always cold so I feel like I'm in an ice block. It probably wasn't the smartest idea to run out of the hospital in a hospital gown but I had a very limited amount of time, I'd assumed that by now the police had been called or some sort of code had been called for me as Amelia is only allowed to leave my side when instructed by Ashlynn or when it's her sleep time, which is 1am to 9am, in that time Ashlynn sits in my room. I swear Ashlynn just doesn't sleep. I'm not too far from my destination now, there's no way they'll find me there, not until it's too late. I'm becoming so exhausted and my hearts feels bad but I'm so close to where I need to be, I can't give up now. I finally arrived at my destination and collapsed on the sidewalk, I decided to sit for a little bit, just until I had the energy. 


'Mom, I'm going for a walk okay?' I said as I ran down the stairs

'Sure baby, be back by nine please, and don't run in the house you're a bad influence on Demi' I giggle

'Mom Demi's the bad influence on me and she's not even here' 

'that's true, have fun baby'

'thanks momma, do you want anything whilst I'm walking?'

'I'll text you if I think of something, you got money?' I nodded

'Okay, bye baby'

'bye momma'

I stepped out the door and instantly felt the nice cool breeze on my face, it was truly wonderful. Dallas had to rush out last night and see Demi, which usually means Demi isn't doing so well, I wish I could do more for her but I'm only fourteen. I used the time I had on the walk to reflect on what's happened in the last couple of months. I'm so blessed to have the family that I have and I absolutely adore little Lyric, it breaks my heart the things that have happened to her in her short eleven years, but I know the only thing I can do for her is offer her support and pray for her. I decided to go and sit at the beach for a little while, I love the serenity. 

I decided to call Dallas and check up on Demi, it worries me that Demi could've slipped up and I just want to make sure she's okay, and I have this weird feeling in my stomach that she isn't. I started to ring Dallas and she answered on the third ring

'Hey Mads' I could hear crying in the background and automatically knew that it was Demi

'Hey Dally, how's Demi?'

'How'd you know there was something wrong with Demi?'

'Every time you get called by Marissa or Wilmer it's usually to go help Demi because she's in a bad mental state'

'she's good Mads'  I laughed dryly

'Dallas please don't lie to me, I can hear her in the background and she doesn't sound very good to me' Dallas sighed

'she's going to be okay Mads, you shouldn't worry about her'

'she's my sister Dal, and she went through so much, it scares me to think she might relapse'

'I know baby, it scares me too but we've got to help her be strong, she's going to be okay babygirl, so enjoy your night okay? Can you tell mom I don't know when I'll be back'

'sure Dal, I love you, and tell Demi I love her and tell little Lyric I love and miss her'

'okay baby, have a good night, I love you more, and so do Dems and Lyric' Dallas seemed in a rush to hang up the phone which didn't really help with the whole worrying about Demi situation.

I got a text from mom asking if I could pick up some milk from the little milk bar near the beach and our house. I quickly began walking there, I wanted to get home and talk to Marissa, make sure that Demi was okay. I was quite close to the milk bar and noticed something strange, a young girl, no older than eight with dirty blonde hair in what seemed to be a hospital gown on the wrong side of the bridge, I quickly but carefully approached the situation, I had to get this little girl to safety. As soon as I got close my heart dropped to my stomach. 

'LYRIC NO!' I screamed as I ran forward, she turned around and looked at me before leaning forward and letting go of the railing that was keeping her from falling to her death.

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