Chapter 1

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Before I start, I wanna dedicate this chapter to bosslady92.!! She was the first person who told me she couldn't wait to read this series.!!

Date: December 7, 2014

Alyssa's POV

When I woke up this morning, I felt around on the other side of the bed I sighed and slapped my forehead when I remembered that Prod was still gone Every since he's been gone, Ive done this every morning I checked my phone and I saw that I had a good morning text from Prod

Moonwalker: I woke up this morning and thought something was missing. So I got up from my bed, grabbed my cell phone and sent you a good morning text.!! Good Morning I love you

I smiled and replied

His#1Girl: Aw, your so sweet.!! Good morning and I love you too.!!

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom I got in the shower and did my hygiene  got out, lotioned up, and put on my clothes I decided to leave my hair down I left the bathroom and went downstairs I was watching TV when I heard a knock on the door

Alyssa: Who is it.?!

Bre: Open the door and find out chica.!

(I smiled and opened the door. Standing there was Nique, Bahja, Bre, and Ray and Nique's daughter Jailee.)

Alyssa: Hey ya'll Come in

(I stepped aside and they all walked in. We all went and sat in the living room. Jailee jumped on my lap and started playing with my half heart that I had on my neck.)

Alyssa: So, whats up with ya'll.?

Bahja: Nothing We're just stopping by to chill before we go get our sew ins put back in

(I frowned a little. I, for one, LOVE it when they wear their real hair. But I understand that having the different colored hair is apart of their image.)

Alyssa: What colors are ya'll getting.?

Bre: Im going back purple

Nique: I don't know yet But I wanna try something

Bahja: Im going back pink but its gonna have orange on the tips

Alyssa: Cool I need my hair done myself

Nique: Why don't you come with us.? You don't have to get it colored

Bre: Yeah Just get like a nice trim or something

Alyssa:(Thinks for a minute) You know what.? That's a good idea

Bahja: Well, we can leave right now

Alyssa: Lets go

(We all stood up and walked out of the house. We all got in Bre's car and headed to Tamara's house. About 15 minutes later, we pulled up to her house. We all got out and walked in.)

Tamara: Alyssa.!! (Hugs me) I haven't seen you in so long.!!

Alyssa: I know right.?!

Tamara: Well, what are you doing here.?

Alyssa: The girls stopped by my house and told me that they were coming to get their hair done so I decided to come along

Shekinah:(Coming down the steps) I hope your gonna let me finally do your hair after all these years

Alyssa: Actually, that's why Im here

Shekinah: Yes.!! Now, what were you thinking.? Do you want some extensions, do you want me to color it.? Its all up to you

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