Chapter 3

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Date: December 9, 2014 7:45pm

Alyssa's POV

Right now, me and Prod are getting ready for the party that me and the girls put together to celebrate the boys coming home I was in the bathroom doing my hair and talking to Prod

Prod: Babe, what are you wearing.? I kinda wanna match

Alyssa:(Curling my hair) My dress is kinda a cream color on top and black at the bottom

Prod: I have nothing cream colored

Alyssa: Well, just wear white and black White's the closet color to cream

Prod: Ok How about my white dress shirt, my black blazer, and my black slacks.?

Alyssa:(Sticks my head out of the bathroom) Babe, I was kinda hoping to borrow your black blazer

Prod: Well, what am I supposed to wear now.?

Alyssa: Wear your black dress shirt, white blazer, and your black slacks.?

Prod: Fine I don't care anymore (Sits on the bed)

Alyssa: Aw (Walks out of the bathroom, walks over to him, and sits on his lap.) If you wanna wear the blazer tonight, you can I don't really need it

Prod: No babe, you can wear it (Puts his head down)

Alyssa: Hey (Lets his head up by his chin) Whats wrong.?

Prod:(Sighs) Nothing Im just tired When we were overseas, I didn't really get a lot of sleep

Alyssa: Well, if that's the case, maybe we should stay in tonight

Prod: No.! You and the girls went through all this trouble.! We cant just not go.! Im fine

Alyssa: You sure.?

Prod: I promise

(I smiled and he kissed my cheek. I got off of his lap and went back into the bathroom. I slipped on my dress and fixed my curls. I walked back into the bedroom.)

Alyssa: Hey babe.? Have you seen my heels.?

Prod: They're (turns around) Wow

Alyssa:(Blushes) What.?

Prod: You look beautiful

Alyssa: Thanks Prod You're looking pretty handsome yourself

Prod: Why thank you (Laughs) Your heels are in the closet

Alyssa: Thanks

(I walked into the closet and started looking on the shelves. I saw my heels but they were way up on the shelf that I couldn't reach. I sighed.)

Alyssa:(Yells) Prod.?!

Prod:(Yells) What.?!

Alyssa:(Yells) Can you come here please.?!

(Prod walked into the closet and stood in front of me)

Prod: Whats up.?

Alyssa: Can you get my heels off of the shelf, please.?

Prod: Aw Look at the little shortie who cant even get her own shoes off the shelf

Alyssa:(rolls eyes) Whatever Prodigy Can you just get me my shoes please.?

Prod: I was just playing Lyssa

(He reached up, got my shoes, and then handed them to me. I took them and walked out of the closet. I sat on the bed and started to put them on.)

Life As We Know It (Second Book to Our Life Series) (An MB/Prodigy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now