Chapter 11

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Date: December 24, 2014

Alyssa's POV

This morning, I woke up to my the alarm on my phone going off I looked at my phone and saw that it was 8:30am I scheduled a doctors appointment for 10:00am I got up, went into the bathroom and did my hygiene I got out, lotioned up, and put on my clothes I decided I didn't feel like doing anything to my hair so I put it up into a bun I put a bandanna on too By then, it was 9:30 so I ran downstairs

Sharon: You leaving honey.?

Alyssa: Yeah The appointment is at 10

Sharon: Ok See you later

Alyssa: Bye

(I grabbed my keys and ran outside. I got in the car and drove to the doctors office. By the time I pulled into the parking lot, it was 9:50. I got out and walked into the doctors office. I signed in and sat down. After waiting ten minutes, the nurse called me back. I walked into one of the examining room. The doctor walked in.)

Dr.Smith: Hello Alyssa

Alyssa:(Smiles) Hi

Dr.Smith:(Sits down in the chair) So, what seems to be the problem.?

Alyssa: Well, Ive been really nauseous and throwing up lately and Ive had these MAJOR headaches all the time

Dr.Smith:(Writing on her tablet) Mmhmm Have you been stressed out lately.?

Alyssa: Very I also haven't been sleeping well

Dr.Smith: I see (Hands me a cup) Im gonna need you to go in the bathroom across the hall and pee in this cup

Alyssa:(Takes the cup) Because.?

Dr.Smith: Just to make sure you have no infections, stuff like that

Alyssa:(Nods) Ok

(I got up and went across the hall into the bathroom. I peed in the cup and washed my hands. I walked back into the room and Dr.Smith took the cup. She left for a minute and then came back.)

Dr.Smith: Ok Now, Im gonna ask you a couple questions, ok.?

(I nodded and prepared myself for any questions she was about to ask.)

Dr.Smith: When was your last menstrual cycle.?

Alyssa:(Thinks) Um, September 30

Dr.Smith: When was the last time you've thrown up.?

Alyssa: Yesterday morning

Dr.Smith: Do your breast sometimes feel tender or sore.?

Alyssa: Yeah A lot, actually

Dr.Smith: Are you sometimes cranky or emotional for no apparent reason.?

Alyssa: Um, I guess

Dr.Smith:(Puts the clipboard down and looks at me.) Alyssa, whens the last time you had unprotected sex.?

Alyssa: Probably,..............October 10

Dr.Smith:(Smiles) Interesting (Looks at her watch) Your sample is probably ready I'll be right back

(She walked out of the room. A couple minutes later, she came back in carrying a box of what looked like pills and a different clipboard.)

Dr.Smith: Well, your gonna be just fine

Alyssa:(Lets out a sigh of relief) Thank you You don't know how happy I am to hear that

Dr.Smith: But there is something else

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