Chapter 29

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Date: November 7, 2015

Alyssa's POV

So, the wedding is in a week.! Im so excited.! Im gonna be Mrs. Alyssa Crippen Nice ring to it, right.? Me and Prod have been doing great but I still haven't told him about Isiah and me kissing I know, I know I need to but every time I try, he starts talking about how he loves me so much and cant wait to marry me Im stuck

Prod: Lyssa.? Alyssa.?

Alyssa:(Snaps out of it) Hmm.?

Prod: I said, can you hand me a diaper, please.?

Alyssa: Yeah sure

(I reached into the cupboard and pulled one out. I handed it to him and he continued changing Liyah.)

Prod: Whats up.? You ok.?

Alyssa:(Looks down) Yeah Im fine

(He picked Liyah up and put her in her swing. He walked over to me and lifted my chin up with his finger.)

Prod: Hey I know you Now, whats really going on.?

(I took a deep breathe. I guess its now or never.)

Alyssa: Prod, I have-(GCO by the doorbell.)

Prod: Oops.! Hold that thought babe.!

(He ran downstairs to ran answer the door. I sighed wearily and ran my hands through my hair. A few minutes later, Prod came back upstairs carrying a huge arrangement of flowers.)

Prod: Hey Lyssa, these came for you

Alyssa: Me.?

(I took the flowers out of his hand. Prod went and started playing with Liyah. I looked for a card and I finally found one. My heart dropped when I read it.)

Just a little token of my love for you


(I crumpled up the note and threw it in the garbage.)

Prod: Who are they from.?

Alyssa: Doesn't say

(I took them downstairs and set them on the counter. I walked back upstairs to see Prod sitting in the rocking chair and Liyah was laying on his chest. He was singing Scared of The Moon by Michael Jackson to her. When she finally fell sleep, he put her in her crib. I leaned on the doorway.)

Alyssa: Your so good with her

(He turned around and smiled. He walked over to me and held my hands.)

Prod: You are too

(I smiled.)

Prod: Now, what did you wanna tell me earlier.?

Alyssa: Oh.! Um, a couple months ago, there was- (GCO by Prod's phone.)

Prod: Babe, Im sorry (Answers the phone) Hello.? Hey, whats up.? Are you serious.? Ok, calm down.! Im on my way.!

(He hung up the phone.)

Prod: Babe, I gotta go Me and the boys apparently had a meeting that we knew nothing about and its in Calabasas and Its starts in an hour

(He ran down the stairs and I followed behind him.)

Alyssa: Prod, I really need to talk to you.!

Prod: I cant right now Lyssa

(I scoffed and hung my head down. He walked over to me and pulled me close to him.)

Prod: Hey, I know I haven't really been there for you the past few weeks but Im trying, ok.? Now, I promise when I get back that we can talk, alright.?

Life As We Know It (Second Book to Our Life Series) (An MB/Prodigy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now