Chapter 8 *Roc and Bahja*

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Date: December 15, 2014 10:54pm

Bahja's POV

After hearing that Roc slept with that hoe Khalia, I ran out of the house I ran all the way to our apartment I let myself in and went into the living room I threw myself onto the couch and started to cry About 5 mintues later, I heard the door open

Roc: Bahja.? Babe.?

(I didnt say anything, I just layed there. He came into the living room and stood in front of me.)

Roc: So, your not gonna talk to me.?

Bahja: Jandkfhdksdnscdhdihejff

Roc: What.?

(I realized that he couldnt hear me because me face was smashed into a pillow. I groaned and sat up)

Bahja: I said, Why should I talk to you.?

Roc: Because (grabs my hand) Im your boyfriend

Bahja:(Snatches away from him) You werent my boyfriend while you were out fucking other bitches

Roc:(Sighs) Bahja, Im sorry I never meant for you to.....(GCO)

Bahja:(Stands up and gets in his face) Nigga, you never meant to get caught.!

Roc: Bahja, I know your mad right now but you need to back the fuck up

Bahja: Fuck you.! Im not doing shit.! You are such a little bitch.!

Roc:(Getting pissed) Bahja, Im not playing.!

Bahja:(keeps going) What kind of punk ass nigga kills their own child.?!

(Just then, Roc slapped the fuck outta me and I fell back onto the couch. I held my cheek and looked at Roc, who was now pacing the room.)

Roc: How the fuck you gon talk about my son like you know some shit.?! I made her get an abortion for your ass.!

Bahja: How did you do it for me.?

Roc: I knew that you were gonna be heartbroken and I know that I want you to have my first baby, Not her

Bahja: But I wouldve handled it

Roc: So, you can honestly say that you woudlve been able to handle it and not resent me or my son.?

(I thought about it. I WOULDNT have been able to handle it.)

Bahja: Ok Your right I wouldnt have but that doesnt make what you did right

Roc: I also did it for another reason

Bahja: What.?

Roc: I didnt want my child to have Khalia as a mother That bitch is wild and I could've taken custody of him but then he wouldnt have his mother in his life So, it was a fucked up situation all the way around

Bahja: Yeah but you know what would have been a better solution.?

Roc: What.?

Bahja: You shouldnt have slept with the hoe

Roc: Bahja......(He signaled for me to come here with his finger. I walked over to him and he pulled me close to him)

Roc:(Rubbing my cheek where he hit me) Im sorry I hit you bae

Bahja: I forgive you and Im sorry I talked about your son like that

Roc: I forgive you

(He kissed my lips softly.)

Roc: You go relax, i'll be right back

(I went and sat down on the couch. I turned on the TV and started watching Adventure Time. After 5 mintues, Roc came back into the living room. He was carrying a tray that held strawberries, grapes, whipped cream, and wine. It also had an ice pack on it.)

Bahja: Whats all this.?

Roc: I thought Id apoligize the right way

(He sat down with the tray on one side of him. i layed my head on his lap. He placed the ice pack onto my cheek and started to feed me strawberries. We relaxed and watched TV for the rest of the night.)

This one was a little short but I couldnt think of any ideas for these two.! lol

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