Chapter 5

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Date: December 15, 2014

Alyssa's POV

As soon as I heard those words come out of her mouth, I started to cry Nique and Bre came over to me and tried to get me to calm down

Prod:(Pissed) Khalia, I told you that isnt my baby

Khalia: Prod, I haven't fucked anybody else in the past 6 months but you You know that this is your baby but you wont admit it because of that bitch right there

Alyssa: You know what.? Im really trying to stay calm but keep fucking with me bitch.!

Khalia: Shut up, hoe.! You don't want none.!

Alyssa: That's it.!

(I started to charge towards her but Nique and Bre held me back.)

Prod: Alyssa, Im so sorry you had to find out like this.!

Alyssa: Fuck you.! I knew something was going on but I never though it was this........

Khalia: Oh Boo-fucking-Hoo.! Suck it up, hoe.!!

(I broke out of Nique and Bre's hold and I ran towards her. I almost hit her when I felt Ray pick me up. He handed me to Prince who held me by my arms.)

Ray: Lyssa, she's pregnant.! You cant hit her.!

Alyssa: Her face isnt pregnant, is it.?!

Khalia: Anyway, Prod you need to accept responsibility You fucked me with no protection and this is what happens

Prod: Bitch, that's not my baby.!

Khalia: You aint gotta lie, Craig.! Your just mad because Im just having your first and not that thot.!

Alyssa:(Looks up at Prince) Please let me go I just wanna hit her one time That's all

Prince: Calm down Misfit

Prod: Listen Khalia, I don't love you I love Alyssa And you know it That's why your trying to pin this baby on me

Khalia: I don't have to pin shit on you I just want my child to have their father in their life

Nique: Well, look at that The trick actually DOES have some sense

Khalia:(Sighs and turns around to face Nique) Shut up, bitch.! I suggest you watch your mouth because Ive had your man too.!

Nique:(Turns to Ray) Oh really.?

Ray: It was a long time ago

Khalia: Don't lie It was while me and Prod were dating the first time and you had just gotten with her

Nique: Really.?! Wow, I cant believe you.!

Bre:(Scoffs) Why do you always come around starting shit, Khalia.?!

Khalia: I don't know why your asking me that You should check your man before you judge me

Bre: Check my man.? (Looks at Prince) What is she talking about.?

Prince: Nothing babe.!

Khalia: So your gonna lie.? Breaunna, he has a daughter

(Me, Nique and Bre gasped.)

Bre:(Tearing up) A daughter..?! How old is she.?!

Prince: Babe, I don't think we...(GCO)


Prince: 1 and a half

(Just then, Roc and Bahja walked up to the door. They stopped once they noticed the tense mood.)

Roc: Whats going on.?

Alyssa: Prod's been cheating on me for 6 months with Khalia AND he got her pregnant

Nique: Ray slept with Khalia when me and him first got together

Bahja: Let me guess: Prince slept with her too.?

Bre:(Shakes her head) Nope But he has a 1 and a half year old daughter though

Roc&Bahja: Damn.!

Bahja: Im glad we have no secrets, right babe.?

Khalia: Oh I wouldn't be so sure about that Bahja

Bahja: Why.?

Khalia: He hit this too and he got me pregnant too but he made me abort it

(Everybody gasped when we heard that.)

Prod: Khalia, get the fuck out.!

Khalia: Gladly.!

(She walked out of the door. We all stood there hurt, angry, and crying.)

Im gonna do each of the four couples talk after they found out everything in four different chapters you go.!!

Life As We Know It (Second Book to Our Life Series) (An MB/Prodigy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now