Chapter 13

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I wanna dedicate this chapter to Nicolette2468 because she has shown support to me and my stories.! Thanks a lot.!  :-)

Date: December 25, 2014

Alyssa's POV

When I woke up this morning, Prod's arms were still wrapped around my waist I rubbed along his arms

Prod: Its about time you woke up

Alyssa:(Hits his arm) Shut up.! How long have you been awake.?

Prod: A while (Smiles) Merry Christmas

Alyssa: Merry Christmas

Prod:(Sighs) I should go

(He goes to get up but I pull him back down.)

Prod: Whats wrong.?

Alyssa: Prod, what are we.?

Prod: Well, you know what I want us to be but its really up to you

Alyssa: Yeah but I don't know how to start

Prod:(Gets in front of me) Tell me what you want

Alyssa: I want...............I want things to be how they used to be Before all of this happened, you know.?

Prod: I know babe I do too I love you and I was wrong for sleeping with Khalia............Im sorry

(I sat there thinking for a minute. Can I honestly say that I forgive him.? I mean, I want him back in my life like hell but that could just be the loneliness talking. But, on the other hand, this is my first love and now, the father of my child, we're talking about here. You know what.? What the hell.? I'll take him back and if he fucks up again, we're through..........for good.)

Alyssa: I forgive you but if you fuck up again, Im cutting your dick off and Ima throw it in the ocean

Prod:(Laughs) Ok I love you

Alyssa:(Sighs) I love you too

(He kissed me passionately.)

Alyssa: Mmmm I missed you

Prod: I missed you too beautiful (Checks the time) Hey, I should be getting home so I can shower and stuff

Alyssa: Alright (We got up and I walked him to the door.)

Prod: See you later.?

Alyssa: Yep Its here this year.?

Prod: Yep See you

Alyssa: Bye

(He kissed me and walked out the door. I locked it and ran back upstairs. I saw that I had texts from everybody, including Diggy and Jacob, like I do every year. Their names are what I have them as in my phone.)

Ray2wice: Alyssa.! Merry Christmas.! When you get back, we gone turn up.!

Rockstar: Merry Christmas Misfit.! Cant wait for you to get back so you can meet Senia.!

SpiffyTho: Merry Christmas Lyssa.! Love you.!

JaileesMommy: Merry Christmas.! I cant wait for you to get back cause Ray getting on my nerves.!

BeautyBahj: Hey Lyssa.! Merry Christmas.!! I'll call you later.!

BabyDollBre: Merry Christmas thug.! Cant wait to see you.!! Love you.!

Life As We Know It (Second Book to Our Life Series) (An MB/Prodigy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now