Chapter 7 *Prince and Breaunna*

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Date: December 15, 2014 11:12pm

Breaunna's POV

We've been home for the past hour now He hasn't said anything to me since that whole thing went down at Prod and Lyssa's house And honestly, Its pissing me the fuck off I mean, shouldn't he be trying to clear everything up.? I was sitting on the couch drinking a glass of wine when he came downstairs He called out to me

Prince: Since when do you drink.?

Bre: Since I found out my boyfriend has a daughter

Prince:(Scoffs) Whatever

(He walked into the kitchen. I sucked my teeth and walked into the kitchen. He was getting pots and pans out like he was about to cook.)

Bre: What are you doing.?

Prince: I haven't eaten since like, 11 so I fixing myself something to eat

Bre: Don't you think we need to talk about this.?

Prince: What is there to talk about.? What happened, happened There's no going back

Bre: That's doesn't mean you need to explain yourself and what happened.?

(Prince set down the knife he was holding and turned around to face me.)

Prince: Ok I met this girl, Jaycee, at one of our concerts About 3 years ago We exchanged numbers but nothing happened right away We started to text and hang out more One night, we were chilling together and she kissed me and one thing led to another We basically became fuck buddies A couple months after that, I started dating you but I was still fucking her on the side One day, she called me and told me that she was pregnant I knew it was mines because she wasn't the type of girl to sleep around

Her whole pregnancy, I was there She would call me when she had a craving and I would get her what ever she wanted Do you remember when I told you we had this huge meeting in Sacramento about a year and a half ago.?

Bre: Yeah You said that it was very important and that no girlfriends were allowed because it was like a make or break meeting for the group

Prince: Well, I lied That was the day she gave birth She called me and told me that she was in labor So, I rushed to the hospital and about three hours later, our daughter Yassenia Alexandria Perez was born She was born April 10 and she weighed 6 lbs., 8 oz.

Bre: Well, where's Jaycee.?

Prince: After she gave birth to Yassenia, she had a lot of internal bleeding Some about the baby moving around to much or kicking her Something like that But about three days after having Yassenia, she died I was............heartbroken Even though I was with you, I still loved Jaycee, you know.? (Starts to tear up)

Bre: Where's Yassenia now.?

Prince: She lives with her grandmother in Calabasas

Bre: So that's why your always going down there

Prince:(Nods and cries harder) Bre, I never meant for you to find out like this I was gonna tell you.......I just didn't know how, you know.?

Bre: Yeah

Prince: Do you forgive me.?

Bre: Prince..........Im not mad Im really not but Im hurt Our whole relationship has basically been based on you lying to me I mean, come on You've been lying to me for the past 2 years

Prince: I know but (Walks up to me) I just wanna make things right

(As much as I wanted to be mad, I just couldn't. I started to cry. I think Prince was surprised. he's never seen me cry before. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.)

Prince: Baby, Im SO sorry.! I never meant to hurt you

(I didn't say anything, I just kept crying. Prince sighed and scooped me up in his arms. I wanted him to put me down but I just didn't have the energy to fight him. He carried me up the stairs and to our bedroom. He layed me down on the bed and got on top of me. He kissed me passionately. I resisted for a minute but then I started to kiss him back. He licked my bottom lip asking for an entrance. I let him. We tongue wrested for a while. He slowly moved down to my neck and started to lick and suck on it. I didn't say anything, I just layed there still crying.

He moved down to my panty line, leaving wet kisses everywhere. He pulled own my pants and started to eat me out. I tried not to moan but I failed and let a little one slip out. He continued doing that for about 5 minutes when I felt myself about to cum.)

Bre: P-P-Prince, Im bout to cum.!

Prince:(Smirks) Let it out, baby

(I arched my back and grabbed a handful of Prince's curls as I came. He licked me clean and sat back up. He got back on top of me and kissed my face where there was a stain of tears.)

Prince:(whispers) Do you want me.?

Bre:(Nods) Yeah

(He slipped off his pants and his boxers. He reached into the nightstand drawer and grabbed a condom out of the drawer. He put it on and then slowly pushed himself into me. I sighed in pleasure and arched my back a little. He buried his head in my neck and started to lick and suck on it while he started to thrust harder and faster.)

Bre: Ooooo...........Right there........Oh my god

Prince: Fuck Mami Your tighter than usual

(He continued to thrust into me. I could feel that I was getting ready to cum again.)

Bre: Bae, Im bout to-(Squeals)

(I couldn't even finish my sentence because he flipped us over so that I was on top. I smiled and started to twerk on his dick.)

Prince:(Throws his head back) Fuck..........yeah.......right there

(I stated to grind on his dick and I could tell that it was driving him crazy.)

Prince: Mami, just fuck me

(Hearing me say that turned me on more than I already was. He flipped us back over and he re entered me. He started fucking me hard as shit.)

Bre: Oh.! Shit.! Yeah, right there.! Don't stop.!

Prince: You like it when Papi fucks you like this.?

Bre:(Moans) Mmmm yes Papi

Prince: Shit Im bout to cum.!

Bre:(Squeals) Papi.!

(We both came together. He pulled out of me, took off the condom, and layed next to me. I layed my head on his chest.)

Prince: Im sorry

Bre:(Sighs) I forgive you but only on one condition.?

Prince:(Raises eyebrow) What.?

Bre: You bring your daughter to come live with us

Prince:(Really excited) Really.?!!

Bre:(Smiles) Really

(Prince looked at me and kissed me passionately. I kissed back until he pulled away. He hugged me tight.)

Prince:(Whispers) Thank you

Hope ya'll liked it.! All of this just came to me as I was writing it.! lol


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