Chapter 28

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Date: October 2, 2015

Alyssa's POV

So, the past three months have been really chill Prod and the boys are taking a break right now so they can focus on their families Aaliyah is doing great.! She's two months old and she looks more like me everyday We've also been planning the wedding and we've set the date for November 14 Right now, though, Im meeting up with the girls so we can go work out

Bre: Hey chica.!

Alyssa: Hey.!

(We hugged.)

Bre: Where's Liyah.?

Alyssa: At home with Prod She has an ear infection so I had to get out of the house to get away from all the crying

Bre: Yeah I feel you Senia is just getting over a cold

(Nique and Bahja walked up together.)

Bahja: Whats up, ya'll.?

Nique: Whats upo.?

(We all laughed and hugged. We walked into the gym and we all got on four treadmills that were right next to each other.)

Bahja: So, hows been going, ya'll.?

Nique: Pretty good Me and Ray haven't been fighting lately so that's a plus

Alyssa: Ya'll fight every damn day

Nique: What about you, Lyssa.?

Alyssa: We're good Just taking care of Liyah and planning the wedding

Bahja: Cool Beans

(We all looked at Bre, who was being really quiet.)

Alyssa: Bre, you alright.?

Bre:(Snaps out of it) Yeah Im fine

(Me, Bahja, and Nique all stopped the treadmills and walked over to her. I turned hers off.)

Bre: What.?!

Nique: Whats up with you.?

(She sighed and sat down on the treadmill. We crowded around her. There was really no one else in the gym because it was 5:30am.)

Bre: Im pregnant

(We all gasped. We squealed and hugged her. I noticed, though, that she didn't seem happy.)

Alyssa: Your happy, right.?

(She shrugged her shoulders.)

Bre:(Sighs) I have my hands full trying to be a mother to Senia

Bahja: Does Prince know.?

Bre: He was the first person I told

Nique: Well, what'd he say.?

Bre:(Scoffs) You know how Prince is "OMG, I hope she's a girl", "I hope she looks just like you", "We need to come up with names"

Alyssa: Maybe your just in shock That's how I was the first few months I was pregnant with Liyah

(She didn't say anything.)

Bahja: Hey, look at the bright side Your gonna have a another piece of you on earth

Nique: Yeah You get to raise them and see them grow up

Alyssa: You get to feel the happiness of seeing them graduate, get married, have kids of their own

Bre:(Smiles) Yeah Ya'll are right

Nique: Its a beautiful thing You just have to embrace it

Bre: Ya'll are right Thanks guys

Life As We Know It (Second Book to Our Life Series) (An MB/Prodigy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now