Chapter 23

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Date: July 3, 2015

Alyssa's POV

So, todays the big day.! No, Im not giving birth.! Todays the first show for the All Around The World Tour.! Im like, hella excited.! Im so proud of my babies.! Ive been instagramming like crazy all day But right now, its an hour before they're supposed to go on and Im getting them ready

Alyssa: Ya'll, PLEASE be careful about jumping off the platforms We don't wanna have to stop a show because one of ya'll broke yo ankle

Ray: Lyssa, calm down.! Aren't you supposed to be watching the girls right now.?

Alyssa:(Facepalms) Oh yeah.! I'll meet ya'll backstage.!

(I walked out of their dressing room and walked up the stairs leading to the stage. I went and stood next to Auntie Tiny and Tam. The girls were performing I Cant Stop Loving You. I smiled because I helped write that song, along with Nique, Bre, and Bahja. They were killing it. 55 minutes later, they were done. They ran off the stage and hugged me.

The boys came to us and we all prayed together, along with MB's backup dancers. When we were done, the girls went to their dressing room. We did the MB ball so hard. Five minuets later, it was time for the show to start. Prod walked over to me.)

Prod: I love you

Alyssa: I love you too

(He kissed me passionately and ran to get in his spot. The music started and they started to dance to Girls Talkin Bout. I sat there the whole time watching and cheering for them. An hour and a half later, they were done. We all walked into their dressing room.)

Alyssa:(Squeals) Im so proud of ya'll.!! Ya'll were amazing.!

(I hugged each of them and I kissed Prod. Keisha, Walter, and Kenneth walked in.)

Walter: Boys, the show was great.!!

Kenneth: Yeah Ya'll got super turnt up.!

Keisha: Go ahead, change clothes and get on the bus Make sure ya'll get some sleep because we have interviews tomorrow morning and ya'll first meet and greet, ok.?

Boys: Ok Keisha

Walter: Lyssa, can you do me a favor and make sure all the girls know, please.?

Alyssa: No problem

Walter:(Smiles) Thanks

(Him, Keisha, and Kenneth all left. The boys got dressed and we all walked out of the arena. The fans almost mobbed us but Carter got us out of there. We got on the bus and relaxed. Deuce pulled off and we started towards the next city. I was in the very back watching TV when Prod walked in.)

Alyssa: Here's Mr. Moonwalker himself

(I clapped and he took a bow. We laughed. He sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.)

Prod: How you feeling.?

Alyssa: Im fine right now Just tired

Prod: Maybe you shouldn't go to the meet and greet tomorrow You should stay and get some extra rest

Alyssa: Yeah maybe your right But Im tired now So you coming to bed with me.?

Prod: Yeah

(He stood up and helped me up. He grabbed my hand and led me into our room. We got into the bed together. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.)

Prod: I love you

Alyssa: I love you too

(He kissed my forehead and we drifted off to sleep.)

If this wasn't a filler, then I don't know what is..........................

Life As We Know It (Second Book to Our Life Series) (An MB/Prodigy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now