Chapter 10

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Date: December 23, 2014

Alyssa's POV

For the past two weeks, I haven't seen or spoken to Prod He's been calling and texting me nonstop but I haven't answered I know I said that we could still talk but I just haven't been able to talk to him Every time I think of him, I think of Khalia's ass and I don't wanna think about that hoe But today, Im flying out to Philly to go see my mom and dad Im at the airport and the girls and the guys, minus Prod, are seeing me off

Bre: Well, I hope you have a safe flight

Nique: Yeah Call us as SOON as you get there

Alyssa:(Laughs) Ok I will

Bahja: And if Prod tries to start some shit with you, call me cause I will fly to Philly just to cut a nigga

Alyssa::(Smiles) Ya'll are crazy But Ima miss ya'll

Bre: Group hug.!

(We all hugged each other twice. We let go and I turned to the guys.)

Prince:(Walks over to me and hugs me tight) Be safe Misfit

Alyssa: Mmmm, I will Rockstar

(We let go. Roc walked over and hugged me.)

Roc: See you when you get back Lyssa

Alyssa: Ok

(I pulled away from him and looked at Ray. He looked at me and sniffled.)

Alyssa: Now, I know you aint crying

Ray: Its just.......your the only one whos been keeping me sane the past week and a half

Alyssa: Hey, don't worry We can call, text, face time, kik

Ray: I know Im just gonna miss you

Alyssa: Don't worry about it When I get back, we're gonna go turn up for New Years.!

Ray: Aye.! Turn up.!

Alyssa: Turn down for what.?!

(He grabbed me and pulled me into him. We hugged tight. Just then, the announcer came on.)

Announcer: Flight 702 to Philadelphia is now boarding

Alyssa: Well, that's me I'll call ya'll as soon as we land, ok.?

Roc: Please do

Jailee: Wait Auntie Lyssa.! You didn't say bye to me.!

Alyssa: Oh, Im sorry.!(Bends down to her level.) Bye Jay.! Be good for your mommy and I want you to Face Time me on Christmas, ok.?

Jailee: Ok Bye Auntie Lyssa

Alyssa:(Hugs her) Bye honey (Stands up and grabs her bags) See you guys later

Everyone:(Waves) bye.!!

(I walked to the tunnel leading to the plane and got on. Four hours later, I was in Philly. I was in the airport looking around when I heard my mom shout my name. I ran over to them.)

Sharon: Hi honey.!

(She grabbed me and held me tight.)

Alyssa: Hi mommy.!!

(She let me go and I turned to my dad.)

Ian: Hey baby

Alyssa: Hi daddy

(I hugged him and he kissed my cheek.)

Sharon: You ready to go.?

Alyssa: Yep

Life As We Know It (Second Book to Our Life Series) (An MB/Prodigy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now