Chapter 27

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Date: August 1, 2015

Alyssa's POV

Finally.! I finally get to leave this god-forsaken hospital.! Im ready to get out and stretch my legs.! Prod, Ray, Roc, Nique, Bre, Bahja, and Prince were all there helping me get ready to take Liyah home Oh, and by the way, Team Mindless has been going CRAZY over her I posted a picture yesterday and I got 25148 likes on it

Prince: Stop hogging.!

Ray: Im not hogging.!

Prince: Yes you are.!! I haven't had anytime yet.!

Prod: Hey.! (They both looked at him) Don't argue over my daughter like she's a piece of meat

Ray&Prince: Sorry

Bre: Give her to me

(Ray handed her to Bre.)

Roc: Its crazy how much she looks like you

Alyssa: I know right.? Ima start calling her my mini me

Prod: I don't wanna leave ya'll.!

Alyssa: I know but you have to Ya'll have a show tonight in Pittsburgh

Bahja: Hey, we have to go to an interview but we'll stop by your parents house later, ok.?

Alyssa: Alright Bye ya'll

(I hugged Bre, Nique and Bahja and they left. I looked at the time and saw that it was 11am.)

Alyssa: Shouldn't ya'll be leaving.? Ya'll have a meet and greet at 12:30

Roc: We canceled so we could spend more time with you and the baby

Alyssa: Aw, that was sweet you guys.!

(Prince was holding Aaliyah and Roc, Ray, and Prod were surrounding him. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of them. I uploaded it to Instagram.)

@BaddieLover: Look at them.! I swear, this little girl is gonna be a spiffy, trendy, moonwalking misfit being around these fools.! @dope_star_1_ @princemisfit @raytrendyme @doublerbandz

(I slipped my phone into my pocket.)

Alyssa: Hey, you guys.?

(They all looked at me.)

Alyssa: If ya'll are done fawning over her, we can go now

(They all scoffed. Prod took Liyah from Prince and strapped her into her car seat. I grabbed her bag    with all of her stuff in it and I grabbed my bag. We all walked out of the hospital together. They boys went and got in their own cars. Prod buckled her car seat into the car. I got in the backseat with her and Prod got in the driver's side. He started up the car and we drove off.)

Prod: How you feeling, Lyssa.?

Alyssa: Im good Im just ready to get home and be with her

Prod: Me too

(He continued to drive until we got to my parents house. We got out of the car. Prod got Liyah and I got our stuff. We walked into the house and saw my parents sitting on the couch. We went over to them.)

Sharon: Hey I thought ya'll weren't coming for a couple more hours

Alyssa: We got released earlier than we thought we would

Ian: Oh (He took Aaliyah out of her car seat and held her.) How you feeling.?

Alyssa: Im tired and exhausted

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