Chapter 15

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Date: January 4, 2015

Alyssa's POV

So, its the new year.! Me and Prod just stayed in while everyone else went out I figured I better get used to that since we're gonna have a baby Today, me and Prod are about to go to the DNA Testing Center to see if Khalia's baby is really his I don't know how Im gonna handle this because this trick has really been on some other stuff lately

She calls Prod at all times of the night, she's constantly coming by unannounced, AND she still flirts with Prod right in front of my face Man I swear, if I wasn't pregnant, I would beat the fuck outta her Just being real here

Prod: Babe.? (Waves hand in front of my face) Alyssa.?

Alyssa:(Snaps out of it) Huh.?

Prod: You alright.?

Alyssa: Yeah Just thinking that's all

Prod: Baby (He took one hand off the steering wheel and put it on my knee) its gonna be fine, ok.?

Alyssa:(Fake smiles) Ok

(He sighed and took his hand off my knee. I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes. Next thing I knew, Prod was shaking me.)

Alyssa: What.?

Prod: We're here Come on babe

(He got out of the car and came around to my side and helped me out of the car. He grabbed my hand and we walked into the office. Khalia was already sitting there.)

Khalia: Hey Prod (Looks at me) Hoe

Alyssa: Don't start with me Khalia Im not in the mood

Khalia: Oh who cares.? I know that your pregnant so your not gonna do shiiiiiiittttttt

(I looked at Prod and scoffed. We both agreed that we that the only people who would know that I'm pregnant was our families and our friends. Just then, the doctor came out.)

Dr.Williams: Khalia James.?

Khalia: Here

(She stood up and I got a really good look at her stomach. She says that she's 4 months but she looks WAY bigger than that.)

Dr.Williams:(Looks at Prod) And your the dad.?

Prod: Well, that's what we're coming to find out

Dr.Williams: Ok And you are.?

Alyssa: Alyssa, Craig's fiancée

Khalia: Fiancée.?! Well, I think you forgot to mention that to me, Prod

Prod: What I do with my fiancée is none of your business The only thing me and you have to talk about is this baby, got that.?

Khalia:(Pouts) Whatever

(I smiled and kissed Prod on his cheek. Its about time he put that hoe in her place.)

Dr.Williams: Well, we already have the sample from the baby We just need one from you Mr.Crippen

Prod: No problem

Dr.Williams: If you'll follow me.......

(Prod followed behind Dr. Williams and went into the back. I sat down in a chair across from Khalia. I was playing on my phone until I heard Khalia say something.)

Khalia: This is all your fault

Alyssa:(Looks at her) Excuse me.?

Khalia: You heard me This is all your fault

Life As We Know It (Second Book to Our Life Series) (An MB/Prodigy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now