Chapter 16

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Date: January 5, 2015

Alyssa's POV

The next morning, I pulled into the driveway of the house I was super tired because me and the girls had stayed up for half the night I walked into the house and I was..........shocked, to say the least The house was completely torn up The couch cushions were all over, there was silly string everywhere, and there was candy wrappers on the floor I saw Prod asleep on the couch with Jailee on his chest I shook my head and walked over to them

Alyssa:(Tapping his shoulder) Babe.? Babe.?

Prod:(Opens his eyes)  Hey babe When'd you get back.?

Alyssa: Just now

Prod: Oh sorry about the mess

Alyssa: You gave her candy, didn't you.?

Prod: Yeah Was that an issue.?

Alyssa: I meant to tell you that when she has candy, she can get a little..........psycho

Prod: Thanks for telling me now (We laughed) I should get her up to bed

Alyssa: I'll do it (I picked her up off of Prod's chest and held her.) In the meantime, you can start cleaning up this mess

Prod: Aw man.!

(I giggled and carried her up the stairs. I layed her in me and Prod's bed and pulled the covers over her. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I got in and did my hygiene. About an hour later, I got out. I put lotion all over my body and put on my clothes. When I walked back downstairs, Prod was in the kitchen cooking. I snuck up behind him and hugged him from behind.)

Alyssa: Hey handsome

Prod: Hello beautiful (He turned around and kissed me deeply. He pulled away and looked at my stomach.) Well, look who has a baby bump.!

(I looked down and saw that I did have one.)

Alyssa: Well, what did you expect.? I am 3 months along now

Prod: Hey I was thinking, we should tell the fans about us having a baby

Alyssa: Really.?

Prod: Yeah and I know just how to do it (He grabbed my hand) Come on

(He led me upstairs to the bathroom. He pulled out his phone and went on Keek.)

Prod:(Recording) Whats up Keek.? So, everyone knows that me and Lyssa are engaged but we have another surprise (He put the camera on my belly.) She's having my baby.!

Alyssa: Yep (He put the camera in my face) Im 3 months

Prod: I love you babe

Alyssa: I love you too

(We kissed and the Keek ended. He uploaded the Keek and went to his camera. I posed with my hand around my belly and Prod took the picture. He uploaded it to Instagram.)

@dope_star_1_: Guess whos having a baby.?! My baby, to be exact.?! @TrendyMisfit is.!

(He sent the picture to my phone. I uploaded it to my Instagram.)

@TrendyMisfit: Well, I guess @dope_star_1_ told ya'll the news already.! With his big mouth.! lol JK But yes.! I am pregnant with Prod's baby.!

(We scrolled through the comments and all the ones we saw were positive. Just then, Jailee walked into the bathroom.)

Prod: Look whos up.!

Life As We Know It (Second Book to Our Life Series) (An MB/Prodigy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now