Chapter 31

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Date: November 12, 2015

Alyssa's POV

Its been four days Four FUCKING days of pure hell Prod hasn't called me once, the guys are still trying to find him, and the wedding is still on I know Prod said don't cancel the wedding but hell, its two days before and he's still not here I think Im gonna call it off just to save myself some dignity

Wanda: He still hasn't called you yet.?!

Alyssa: No calls, no texts, not even a tweet I don't even know if he's alive at this point

Craig:(Furious) I don't know what that hell that boy was thinking.! Abandoning his fiancée and child like that.!

Ian: Craig, calm down Now, Im pissed too but we have to remember that Alyssa is getting the worst of all this

Alyssa: Dad, don't talk about me like Im not here.! You know I hate that shit

Sharon: Don't talk to your father like that We're just trying to help

Alyssa:(Sighs) Im sorry Im just stressed out

Ian: Its ok honey

(He came over to me and we hugged. They stayed over for about an hour and then they left. Mama Wanda and Mr. Craig took Liyah so they could spend sometime with her. I was just laying around the house when my phone rung. I answered without looking at the caller ID.)

Alyssa: Hello.?


Alyssa: Prod.?! (I looked at my phone and sure enough, it said Prodijayyyyyyyy.)

Prod: Yeah......Its me

Alyssa: Oh my god.! Are you ok.?! Where are you.?!

Prod: Lyssa, Im fine I just wanted to call you to tell you that Im coming home

Alyssa: Really.?! Ok Um, I'll be here

Prod: Ok See you in a few

(He hung up. I looked at my phone dumbfounded. How can he leave without saying anything but can call me when he wants to come back.? I shook it off and ran upstairs. I jumped in the shower and did my hygiene. I threw on something cute, yet comfortable. While I was walking back downstairs, the doorbell rang. I went and opened the door. Standing there was Prod.)

Prod: Hey

(I didn't say anything.)

Prod: Can I come in.?

(I nodded slowly and let him in. He walked into the living room and I followed behind him. We stood looking at each other but weren't in each other's faces.)

Prod: I know that I was wrong just leaving like that..(GCO)

Alyssa: Yeah You were I understand that you were trying to clear your mind but in doing that, you left me here alone with Liyah Your daughter

Prod: I know that.! Why do you think I came back.?!

Alyssa: Don't yell at me.!

Prod:(Calm) Look, Im sorry Im just.......It hurt to know you kissed him

Alyssa:(Runs hands through hair) I know I know how much it hurts to have someone you love just..........disrespect you like that

Prod: Why'd you do it, anyway.?

Alyssa: If Im being honest, I don't know I guess some old feelings resurfaced

(It was silent for a couple of minutes.)

Life As We Know It (Second Book to Our Life Series) (An MB/Prodigy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now