Chapter 30

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Date: November 9, 2015

Alyssa's POV

Its been two days know happened Prod called the police and filed a report Turns out that Isiah broke out of jail and he's been on the run The wedding is still on but I don't feel right about I think its because I still haven't told Prod about me kissing Isiah My parents are in town for the wedding and they rented a house They've been keeping Liyah cause I haven't been feeling too well I was laying in bed when I heard Prod walk in

Prod: You ok.?

Alyssa:(Shakes my head) No (Sighs) Prod, I need to tell you something

(He walked over to me and sat in front of me. I sat up and looked him in the eye.)

Alyssa: I have to tell you something..........This is hard

Prod: What is it.?

Alyssa: Well, do you remember the day we brought Liyah home from the hospital.?

Prod:(Smiles and holds my hands) Of course

Alyssa: Ok After you left, my parents left also I put Liyah to bed and I heard the doorbell ring When I opened the door, Isiah was standing there

(He tensed up.)

Prod: What's he want.?

Alyssa: He talked to me and told me that he was bipolar

Prod: That would explain why he just snapped like that

Alyssa: Yeah But there's more

Prod:(Raises eyebrow) What more is there.?

Alyssa: Well, he told me that he missed me but I told him that I was happy being with you and that I thought he should leave So, he got up and I walked him to the door Just as he was about to leave, he turned around and.........

Prod: He what.?

Alyssa:(Takes a deep breathe) He kissed me

(Prod dropped my hands and rubbed his face with them. He let out a frustrated sigh.)

Prod: Im not mad He kissed you Its not like ya'll made out

Alyssa: Actually, we did And the only thing that stopped us from going further was that I heard Liyah crying

(He looked at me with hurt in his eyes. He stood up and walked over to the window. I got up and slowly walked up behind him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and I laid my head on his back.)

Alyssa: Im sorry

Prod: How could you do that to me.? To us.? To Liyah.?

Alyssa: I wasn't thinking

(He held my arms that were still around his waist. It started to rain so we just watched the rain in silence. After what seemed like forever, he turned around to face me. He had tears in his eyes.)

Alyssa:(Whispers) Don't cry

Prod: I cant help it The woman I loved kissed someone else with the lips that are mines

(I hung my head down. He lifted my chin up with his finger. He leaned down and kissed me passionately. I put my hands on his waist and he pulled me closer. We made out for a while. I pulled away and looked at him. I grabbed his hand and led him to the bed. I laid down and pulled him on top of me. He put his hands on either side of me and he hovered over me.)

Alyssa: I love you You know that I admit I made a mistake but if I could take it back, I would

(He just looked at me. He leaned down and kissed me again. I felt him run his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance. I let him in. We tongue wrestled. The next thing I knew, he was thrusting into me, fast and rough.)

Alyssa: Prod, p-please slow down

Prod:(Grunts) Fuck that You wanna go out and cheat on me, Ima show you what your risking losing

(He continued to thrust. Ive never seen him like this. He was being really rough with me but I kinda liked it. All of a sudden, he flipped me over so that my ass was up in the air. He smacked my ass roughly. I let a moan slip out.)

Prod: You like that rough shit, huh.?!

(I didn't say anything. He smacked it again. I felt him slip back into me and he started pounding into me. )

Prod:(Grabbing my hair) Your mines You give me this ass

Alyssa: T-that's too r-r-rough baby

Prod: Nah Your gonna take all this, ok.?

(I nodded my head. He continued going hard and deep. He smacked my ass again, causing me to moan really loud.)

Alyssa: Oh shiiittttt.! Fuck me.!

Prod: Throw that ass back on me

(He released his grip on my waist. I moved backward and forward on his shaft. I looked back at him and he was looking right at me.)

Prod: You like this.?

Alyssa:(Moans) Mmhmm

Prod:(Leans down so he's in my face) I love you

Alyssa: I love you too

(He grabbed my waist again and flipped me over so I was on my back again. He re entered me and thursted hard and deep. I wrapped my legs around his waist.)

Alyssa: Ooooo, fuck.! Uh, you feel so fucking good.!

Prod:(Groans) Shit, Im bout to cum

Alyssa:(Squeals) Goddamn.!

(At that moment, we came together. He pulled out of me and went into the bathroom. I just laid down and drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up, I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that I had been sleep for two hours. I also noticed that Prod wasn't in the bed anymore. I looked on the nightstand and saw a note. I picked it up and read it.)


First things first, I just wanna say that I love you so much But right now, I need some time I need to think things through Ive gone some where to do just that Don't worry, Im safe and I have somewhere to stay Im not sure what I want regarding our relationship right now but don't cancel the wedding I'll call you soon I love you


(By the time I got done reading it, I was crying. How could he just leave like this.?! And our wedding is in five days.?! I heard my phone ring. I scrambled to answer it, thinking it would be Prod.)

Alyssa: Hello.?!

Ray: Hey Tink Tink

Alyssa: Ray, right now really isnt a good time

Ray: Why.? Whats going on.?

(I told him everything that happened in the last three hours.)

Ray: Look, Im gonna call everybody and we're coming over there, ok.?

Alyssa: Alright

Ray: Its gonna be fine

(We hung up. I sighed. Hopefully, we can have our happily ever after.

Well, here it is Im proud of myself I uploaded three chapters today But vote, comment, and/or fan, please.!

Life As We Know It (Second Book to Our Life Series) (An MB/Prodigy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now