Chapter 18

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Date: April 15, 2015

Alyssa's POV

So, these past three months have been really hectic Im 6 months pregnant now and I feel like a fucking whale -__- Me and Prod have surprisingly been doing really good Khalia is about 8 and a half months now She actually apologized for sleeping with Prod when she knew he was with me I forgave her but that doesn't mean Ima forget shit

Me and Prod are having a little girl.! I swear, when I told Prod, this boy almost pissed on himself It was hilarious We also have been planning the wedding but we've been doing it slowly I definitely wanna wait until after I have the baby to get married so I have a chance to kinda lose the baby weight But anyway, Me and Prod are doing this TV interview for this new up and coming man named Jerry Benjamin today

Prod: Babe, you ok.?

Alyssa: Yeah Im fine My feet just hurt

Prod: Aw, you want me to rub them for you.?

Alyssa:(Smiles) Yes please

(He lifted up my leg and set my foot in his lap. He took of my wedge and started to rub my foot.)

Alyssa:(Moans) Thanks babe

Prod: Anything for my girls

(Just then, one of the stage managers walked into the green room.)

Stage Manager: Two minutes guys

Prod: Ok

(He walked out.)

Prod:(Puts my shoe back on) Looks like we'll have to continue this later babe

Alyssa: Yeah I guess Can you help me up.?

(He stood up and grabbed my hands. He pulled me up.)

Alyssa:(Smiles) Thanks babe

(We walked to the backstage to where we would be standing right behind the set. I was hella nervous. I guess Prod noticed because he grabbed my hand and held it tight. I looked at him and smiled. All of a sudden, we heard the show's theme music.)

Jerry: Welcome back.! So, one of our guests today are kinda a power couple in some sorts He's 1/4 of hit boy band Mindless Behavior and she's an amazing singer, songwriter, and producer Lets welcome Prodigy from Mindless Behavior and Alyssa VanZant.!

(We walked out onto the stage. Everyone in the audience was clapping and cheering. When we got to the couches, Jerry kissed my cheek and he shook Prod's hand. Jerry sat in an armchair and me and Prod sat on the couch.)

Jerry: So, how are you guys.?

Prod: We're doing good

Jerry: So, I see we don't only have two guests but three

Alyssa:(Laughs) Yeah

Jerry: How far along are you, Alyssa.?

Alyssa: Im 25 weeks or 6 months

Jerry: Do you guys know what your having.? Do ya'll have any names or anything.?

Prod: We do know we're having a little girl

Alyssa: But no name yet

Jerry: Ok before we get really in depth about the baby, lets go back to how to you guys even met

Alyssa: You wanna tell this story or should I.?

Prod: I'll do the first part (Sighs) Our parents were actually best friends and our moms got pregnant around the same time so we basically grew up together

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