Chapter 26

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Date: July 30, 2015 9:15pm

Alyssa's POV

Im sick of this.! Ive been pushing trying to get her out for the past hour and a half and she just wont come out.! I can already see that she's gonna be stubborn just like me

Dr.Smith: Alyssa, I need you to push again

Alyssa: I cant.! Im tired.!

Dr.Smith: Your next contraction is coming Now, push.!

(I took a deep breathe and pushed down hard. After 10 seconds, I stopped pushing and I threw my head back.)

Dr.Smith: That was a really good one I can see her hair

Prod: Are you ok, babe.?

Alyssa: Yeah I need........some ice, though

(Prod reached into the cup he was holding and fed me an ice chip.)

Prod: You can do this, Lyssa

Alyssa:(Nods) Ok Im ready

Dr.Smith: Alright I need one hard push, ok.?

(I nodded my head and pushed down as hard as I could. I screamed because I felt her head coming out and let me tell you, that shit is painful as fuck.)

Dr.Smith: And here she is.! (She pulled her the rest of the way out. The nurses put a towel across my chest and Dr.Smith laid her on my chest. I started to cry.)

Alyssa: Aw, she's beautiful.!

Prod:(Crying) You did it, babe.!

Dr.Smith: Here you go Craig (She handed him the scissors.) You can cut the cord

(Prod grabbed the scissors and cut the cord. The nurses took her from me to weigh her and all that other stuff. Dr.Smith cleaned me up. After the nurses did all that, they handed her to Prod. He walked over to me.)

Prod: Oh my god, she's amazing.!

Alyssa: Let me hold her

(He handed her to me and I got a really good look at her. She had a head full of hair, a dimple just like me, and a beautiful smile.)

Prod: She looks just like you

Alyssa:(Looks at him) You think.? (He nodded. I looked back at her.) So, do you have a name yet.?

Prod: Actually, I do

Alyssa: Really.? What.?

Prod: Aaliyah

Alyssa: Aaliyah.?

Prod: Yeah Doesn't she just look like an Aaliyah to you.?

(I looked at her. She kinda did.)

Prod: And plus, it starts with an A, just like you

(I smiled.)

Alyssa: Ok Aaliyah it is and her middle name will be..........Shayne

Prod: Aaliyah Shayne Crippen........I love it

Alyssa: I love you

Prod: I love you too

(He kissed me passionately. I pulled away and yawned.)

Prod: You should get some sleep You've had a rough 20 hours

Alyssa: But I don't wanna I wanna stay up with her

Prod: You need to rest She'll still be here when you wake up, alright.?

Alyssa: Ok (Looks at Aaliyah.) Mommy loves you

(I kissed her forehead and handed her to Prod. Prod kissed my cheek and put her in the cart. He wheeled her out of the room. I ended up falling asleep.)

Prodigy's POV

After I convinced Lyssa to get some sleep, I took Liyah and wheeled her into the nursery. I left her there and I walked out into the waiting room. Everyone stood up and looked at me

Prod: She's here.!!

(Everyone cheered and hugged me tight.)

Sharon: When was she born.?

Prod: Not even half an hour ago

Craig: How's Lyssa doing.?

Prod: Good I had to convince her to go to sleep, though

Bre: Can we see the baby.?

Prod: Yeah Come on

(They all followed me and we walked into the nursery. For some odd reason, we were the only ones in there and Aaliyah was the only baby in there. Everyone walked over to her and looked at her.)

Wanda: She's beautiful.!

Prince: That she is.! Did ya'll name her yet.?

Prod: Yep Her name is Aaliyah Shayne Crippen

Nique: That's cute.!

Ray: Congratulations bro.!

(Him, Roc, and Prince dapped me up.)

Ian: Prod, can me and your dad talk to you for a minute.?

Prod: Um, yeah sure

(I looked at Aaliyah, who had everyone drooling over her. I stepped into the hallway with Mr. Ian and my dad.)

Prod: Whats up.?

Mr.Craig: We thought we'd just talk to you Kinda see where your heads at

Prod: Honestly, I really haven't had time to think about me Ive been so preoccupied with Alyssa and making sure that she was ok and now, Im gonna be worried about Aaliyah

Ian: I just wanted to commend you You've done a wonderful job being who my daughter needs and Im very grateful that your the man she's going to marry and the father of my first grandchild

Prod:(Smiles) Well, thank you I appreciate that

Mr. Craig: I just wanted to tell you that Im so proud of you

Prod: Thanks dad

(I hugged him and I shook Mr. Ian's hand. We all walked back into the nursery. I saw my mom holding Liyah. I smiled. I cant believe Im a father now.!)

Aaliyah Shayne Crippen

6 lbs., 8 oz.

Born July 30, 2015

Here's the chapter.! I hope ya'll liked it oh, and shout out to MissDimples143 for helping me pick out the baby's name.! I hope you like the middle name.!

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