Chapter 14

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Date: December 28, 2014

Alyssa's POV

Right now, me and Prod are walking through the airport trying to find our crazy ass friends We just got off a flight from Philly to LA and we're planning on telling them about the engagement and the baby We were looking around when I felt a small body jump on me I turned around and saw Jailee Everybody else was running towards us

Alyssa: Jay, what is up with you and running up to people in airports, huh.?

Jailee: I missed you TT Lyssa

Alyssa: I missed you too

(I hugged her. By then, everybody else had came over. We all exchanged hugs and stuff like that.)

Bahja: Hold up.!!! Check that big ass rock on Lyssa finger, though.!!!

Ray:(Looks) Damn.! Do ya'll have something ya'll wanna tell us.?

Alyssa: Yes

Prod: Actually, two things

Bre: Well, whats the first.?

Alyssa: Me and Prod are engaged.!!

(Bre, Nique, and Bahja screamed and hugged me. The boys dapped Prod up.)

Roc: I always knew you'd be the first one to get married

Prod: Yeah Im pretty lucky

Prince: Whats the second thing.?

Prod: Well, pregnant

(The girls screamed again and hugged us both tight. The boys dapped Prod up again.)

Bre: We're gonna be godmothers gain.!

Ray: How far along are you.?

Alyssa: Two and a half months

Prince: My Misfit is having a baby

Nique: Have ya'll thought about names yet.?

Prod: We just found out not even a week ago

Alyssa: Yeah and with the proposal, its been kinda hectic

Bahja: Well, lets get out of here

(We all walked out of the airport and got in our cars. We all went to me and Prod's house.)

Alyssa:(Walking in the door) Its feels so good to be home.!

Roc: I bet So, did ya'll tell you guys parents.?

Prod: Yeah We told them Christmas Day

Ray: How'd they take it.?

Alyssa: Pretty good They were really excited

Prince: Well, that's good

(Me and the girls went upstairs and the guys stayed downstairs. We were in me and Prod's room.)

Nique: So, do you know what Prod's gonna do about Khalia's baby.?

Alyssa: Next week, he's going for a DNA and Im going too

Bahja: You ok with that.?

Alyssa: I guess He asked me to come out of support and I was like of course

Bre: Aw, your such a good girlfriend

(We all laughed)

Bahja: What do you wanna have.?

Alyssa: Honestly, I just want it to be healthy

Nique: We hope it is But remember, we got yo back, no matter what

Alyssa: For real.?

Bre: Yeah

Alyssa: Thanks ya'll

(We did a group hug.)

Prodigy's POV

We got home and the girls decided to go have girl talk so me and the guys stayed in the living room and had some guy talk of our own

Ray: So whats up with the whole Khalia situation.?

Prod: Man, she has been blowing up my phone every since I left to go to Philly

Prince: And you haven't answered.?

Prod: No.! Me and Lyssa just got back together Im not trying to fuck it up again

Roc: But, what if it was something important.?

Prod: I don't care cause its not my baby

Ray: Wow You know you sound like a total asshole right now.?

Prod: What.? You mean like you.?

Roc: Hey Don't start

Ray: No Its good No, I don't mean like me

Prod: Shit I couldn't tell

Prince: Prod, stop it right now

Ray: Let him keep going so he can talk himself into a hole

Prod:(Sighs) Im sorry man This whole thing with Khalia just has me stressed the fuck out

Ray: You good man I know your stressed that's why I didn't snap on your ass

Prod: Thanks man

Alyssa's POV

Me and the girls went back downstairs and we saw that the guys were sitting there in absolute silence

Bahja: Um, ya'll alright.?

Roc: Yeah babe (Gets up) We're good You ready.?

Bahja: I guess

(They both left.)

Ray: Lyssa we'll check up on you tomorrow, ok.?

Alyssa: Alright

Nique: Bye girlie

(Me and Nique hugged and they left.)

Prince: Im gonna bring Yassenia over later so you can meet her, ok.?

Alyssa: Alright

Bre: Bye boo

(I hugged Prince and Bre and they left.)

Alyssa: What the hell was that about.?

Prod: Nothing We're cool

Alyssa: You sure.?

Prod: Yeah We're fine

(He got up and walked upstairs to our room. Later that night, I was downstairs watching TV when he came downstairs and sat next to me.)

Prod: When are you coming to bed.?

Alyssa: Its not even that late

Prod: Lyssa, its 1am

Alyssa:(Looks at my phone) Oh I guess I cant sleep

Prod: Well, in that case.....

(He got up and went into the kitchen. A few minutes later, he came out carrying a tray that had popcorn, soda, chips, licorice, and a big bowl of strawberry and vanilla ice cream.)

Alyssa: Aw you got this for me.?

Prod: Yeah I figured if we were gonna stay up late watching movies, we might as well have snacks too

Alyssa: You treat me so good babe

(We stayed up until 4am just eating, talking, watching movies, and having a good time.)

Kinda of a filler because I didn't want to do the DNA test in this chapter........but it'll be in the next

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