Chapter 25

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Date: July 30, 2015 2:48am

Alyssa's POV

So, Ive been in labor for about 3 hours now Im only dilated to 2 and this shit is painful as fuck I haven't been able to sleep because of the contractions The only thing making me feel better is the fact that my parents, Mama Wanda and Mr. Craig, Prod, Nique, Ray, Bahja, Roc, Prince, and Bre are in here with me, supporting me Everyone else is sleeping right now and only me and Prod are up

Alyssa:(Groans) Babe, gimme your hand Here comes another one

(He grabbed my hand and held it tight. After a full minute, the contraction finally passed. I sighed and loosened my grip on Prod's hand.)

Prod: How was that one.?

Alyssa: Not as bad but it still hurt (Looks at him) Bae, we're about to be parents

Prod: I know you nervous.?

Alyssa: Not really You.?

Prod: Im scared as hell

Alyssa:(Laughs) Why.?

Prod: I don't know.............I just don't want anything to happen to this baby, you know.?

Alyssa: Babe,....(Grabs his chin and makes him look at me.) No one is EVER gonna take her from us, ok.? And your gonna be the best father any girl could ever have

Prod:(Smiles) Ok and Thanks babe Your gonna be a wonderful mother

Alyssa: Oh I know

Prod: Shut up.! I love you

Alyssa: I love you too

(He stood up and kissed me passionately. While we were kissing, I felt another contraction come on. I pulled away and took a few deep breathes. The contraction ended and I looked at Prod wearily.)

Prod: Babe, you'll be alright

Alyssa: Ok

(Hours went by and the next thing I knew, it was 2:24pm. Me and Prod were laying in the bed together. I had my head on his chest and I was playing with the dog tags he had on. He had his arms wrapped around me. My contractions weren't as strong but they still made me uncomfortable. Everyone else had left to go home, change clothes, eat, and some other things. We were watching TV when the doctor walked in.)

Dr.Smith: How you feeling, Alyssa.?

Alyssa: The contractions aren't as painful

Dr.Smith: Ok So, right now, I wanna check you so Craig, would you mind stepping out for a minute.?

Prod: No problem

(He slipped from under me and walked into the hallway. Dr.Smith put on a pair of gloves and I opened my legs. She stuck two fingers into my vagina. I shifted a little bit. She pulled her fingers out and took off the glove.)

Dr.Smith: Well, your about 7 centimeters dilated and that's pretty good considering you were 2 just 10 hours ago and hopefully, we can get you delivered tonight

Alyssa:(Smiles) That'd be great Thanks Dr.Smith

Dr.Smith: No problem honey If you need anything, page one of the nurses

Alyssa:(Nods) Will do

(She walked out and Prod came back in, along with Bre and Prince.)

Alyssa: Bre.! Rockstar.!

(They both came over to me and hugged me. Prod sat next to me on the bed, Prince sat on the edge of the bed, and Bre pulled a chair up to the side of the bed.)

Prince: So, how you feeling, Misfit.?

Alyssa: Alright The doctor said there's a good chance that I could deliver tonight

Bre: That's great.! The sooner we get to meet her, the better

Prod: Who you telling.? You know, we still don't have a name for her, babe

Alyssa: Prod, I told you I wanted to wait to see her face first

Prince: That's what me and Jaycee did After Senia was born, I chose her first name and she chose the middle

Prod: We should do that.!

Alyssa: Ok You take the first name and I'll do the middle

Prod: Deal

(We hooked our pinkies and kissed them. Over the next 8 hours, everyone came to visit and check up on me. My contractions picked back up and they were now coming every 2 minutes. I was on my hands and knees now because that was the only position was I was comfortable in. Prince and Nique were sitting in front of me trying to keep me calm and Prod was rubbing my lower back.)

Prod: How does that feel, babe.?

Alyssa: That's good Keep going

(Just then, Ray busted in the room.)

Ray:(Yelling) Is she here yet.?!!!

Alyssa:(Snaps) Ray, shut yo loud ass up.!!! I cant take that loud shit right now.!

Ray:(Scoffs) Well, Im sorry

(I took a deep breathe. Just then, I felt this urge in my gut.)

Alyssa: Ya'll go.....get....the nurse

Bahja: Why.?

Alyssa: I feel like I need to push (They all stood there and looked at me.) GO.!!!!!!!!!

(Everybody,except for Nique, jumped up and ran out of the room.)

Nique: Only a woman in labor can clear out a whole room that fast

(I smiled. Just then, all of them walked back in dragging Dr.Smith by the arm.)

Dr.Smith: Ok Whats going on.?

Alyssa: I feel like I need to push

Dr.Smith: Ok Can everyone leave for a minute.?

(Everyone walked out of the room. I laid at the head of the bed on my back while she checked me.)

Dr.Smith: Alyssa, your dilated to 10 Your about to have this baby

Hope ya'll liked this.! If you did, make sure to comment, vote, and fan.!!!!!

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