Chapter 12 *Prince and Breaunna*

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Date: December 24, 2014

Breaunna's POV

Well, todays the day. Todays the day that Prince brings Yassenia to live with us. Prince was kinda worried because she's been with her grandmother basically her whole life. But when he talked to her grandmother, she was happy that Prince was stepping up. She just made him promise to bring Yassenia to visit often. Right now, Im putting the finishing touches on her room. Yeah, I decorated a room for her. I want her to be comfortable. This is gonna be a new experience for her, me and Prince and I wanna make it as painless as possible.

Prince: Babe, don't you think you've done enough decorating.?

Bre: I just want everything to be perfect

Prince: Come here

(I walked over to him and he hugged me tight.)

Prince: Everything's gonna be fine, ok.?

(I nodded and pulled away from the hug.)

Prince: Thank you

Bre: For what.?

Prince: For letting me bring Yassenia to live with us

Bre: Well, I know she means a lot to you so......

Prince: She does and so do you Thank you

Bre:(Smiles) Your welcome

(I stood on my tip toes and kissed him softly. He kissed me back and we started to make out. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He started to walk to the bedroom when me and him felt his phone vibrate in his pants pocket.)

Bre:(Still kissing him) You should get that

Prince: But I don't want to (Looks at her seductively) I wanna play with you

Bre: Seriously, see who it was and put me down.!

Prince:(Pouts) Fine

(He set me down and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He checked who it was and scoffed.)

Bre: What.? Who was it.?

Prince: It was Prod You made us stop what we were about to do........for Prod.?!

Bre:(Giggles) Shut up.! Im gonna go finish her room

Prince: Alright

(I walked back into her room. I decorated it with green and purple because Prince said those are her favorite colors. I can tell her and Lyssa are probably gonna be close. I smoothed out her bedspread and fluffed her pillows. Prince came back in the room.)

Prince: Guess what.?

Bre: Whats up.?

Prince: Prod's gonna propose to Misfit

Bre:(Squeals) What.?! That's great.! Their back together.?!

Prince: No But things have gotten better between them so he thinks that proposing will fix everything

Bre: Really.? Usually Prod has more sense than that

Prince: Yeah but when it comes to Misfit, he's always been crazy

Bre: Oh ok (Checks the time) Babe, shouldn't you get going.? It takes a minute to get to Calabasas

Prince: Oh.! Your right.! I'll call you when we're on our way home, alright.?

Bre: Ok Bye babe

Prince: Bye Mi Amour

(He kissed me and ran out of the house and pulled off. I went downstairs into the living room and started watching TV. A couple minutes later, I heard my phone ringing. I grabbed it and answered.)

Life As We Know It (Second Book to Our Life Series) (An MB/Prodigy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now