Chapter 21

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Date: May 20, 2015

Alyssa's POV

When I woke up this morning, I saw that Prod wasn't in the bed next to me Instead, a note was on his side of the bed I smiled and picked up the note

Dear beautiful,

First of all, happy birthday.!! I have a full day planned for you so I need you to first of all come downstairs and I'll take it from there.! I love you.!


(I giggled. I got up and waddled down the stairs. Oh yeah, did I mention that Im 7 months pregnant.? Such a great way to spend your 19th birthday. Sarcasm intended. I walked into the kitchen and saw Prod cooking breakfast. He turned around when he heard me walk into the room.)

Prod: Hey.! (He walked over to me and kissed me passionately.) Happy Birthday.!

Alyssa:(Smiles) Thanks babe Whats all this.?

Prod: Well, I though Id fix you a big breakfast with all your favorites

Alyssa: Your making my smiley face pancakes.?

Prod: Don't worry I called Bre and she gave me her recipe

Alyssa: Ok

(We sat down and ate. He fixed smiley face pancakes, French toast sticks, and hash browns, along with some freshly squeezed orange juice. AND it was all delicious, might I add. After breakfast, Prod washed the dishes. I was sitting in the living room watching TV and scrolling through my TL on Twitter. I noticed that the water wasn't running anymore.)

Alyssa: Prod.?!

(I didn't get an answer. I got up and walked into the kitchen. On the counter was another note. I walked over and picked it up.)


Next thing I need you to do is get dressed and when you come back down, I'll have your next surprise ready for you


(I sighed. How many surprises is this boy gonna have for me.? I walked slowly back upstairs and into our bedroom. I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I took off my clothes and hopped in the shower. I stayed in there for 45 minutes and I got out. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. I walked out of the bathroom and into our closet.

I picked out something that was cute yet comfortable. I dried off, put on lotion, and put it on. I went back into the bathroom and did my hair. I dried it and curled it. I grabbed my phone and walked back downstairs. I saw Prod, Ray, Nique, Jailee, Bre, Prince, Senia, Roc, and Bahja. There was at least 50 balloons in the room.)

Everyone: Happy Birthday.!!!

(I squealed and put my hand over my mouth. I felt the tears start to slide down my face. I walked over to them and hugged each of them.)

Alyssa: Thank you, guys.!!

Bahja: So, are you having a good birthday so far.?

Alyssa: Considering the fact that its only 10am, its going really good right now

Ray: And its about to get better

(They covered my eyes with a bandana. Senia and Jailee grabbed my arms and pulled me outside.)

Roc: Ready Lyssa.?

Alyssa:(Shrugs) Ready as I'll ever be

(They took the blindfold off of my face and I gasped. In the driveway was a brand new 2015 Range Rover Sport II. I ran and hopped in the drivers side.)

Life As We Know It (Second Book to Our Life Series) (An MB/Prodigy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now