Chapter 20

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Date: April 17, 2015

Alyssa's POV

So, its been a full 24 hours since that bull with Prod went down Prince, Ray, and Roc all went over and "talked some sense into him" Every since then, he's been blowing my phone up I haven't answered though Im tired of him and his fucking emotions I mean, Im pregnant and he's more emotionally unstable than I am Speaking of the devil, he's calling me right now

Bre: Why don't you answer the phone.?

Alyssa: Because I don't wanna talk to him right now

Bre: Well, how long are you gonna wait.?

Alyssa: I don't know

Bre: I know your mad at him but you need to talk to him If for anybody, do it for your daughter

(I groaned loudly. I hated when Bre was right, which is all the time. I rubbed my temples.)

Alyssa: Fine I'll call him

(Just then, my phone started ringing. I answered it. Bre walked out.)

Alyssa: Hello.?

Prod: Babe.!! Im SO sorry.!! I was acting really stupid and paranoid and I had no reason to think what I did.!!! Im so sorry and I understand if you never wanna see me again.!!!

Alyssa: Prod.?

Prod: Yeah

Alyssa: Breathe boy

(I heard him exhale. He sighed.)

Alyssa: Better.?

Prod: Yeah

Alyssa: Listen, Im on my way over there, ok.?

Prod: Alright

(We hung up. I got up and put on my shoes. The boys got my car for me yesterday and brought it to me. I grabbed my keys and walked downstairs. I saw Yassenia watching TV. I walked over to her.)

Alyssa: Hey Senia

Yassenia:(Looking at the TV) Hi Auntie Lyssa

Alyssa: Listen, if your mommy or daddy asks, I went home, ok.?

Yassenia: Ok

Alyssa: Bye honey

Yassenia: Bye Bye

(I smiled and kissed the top of her head. I walked out of the door and got in my car. I pulled off and drove to our house. I pulled into the driveway and turned the car off. I got out and walked into the house.)

Alyssa: Prod.?!

(I didn't hear an answer. I walked up the stairs and I looked all over for him. I went into our bedroom and saw him sitting in a chair by the window. The curtains were drawn and it was completely dark. I walked over and sat on the bed and faced him.)

Alyssa: How you doing.?

Prod:(Rubs his hands over his face) Crappy right now Im just...........tired

Alyssa: Trust me.............I am too

(We sat in silence for a minute. All of a sudden, Prod got up and walked over to me. He got on both of his knees and grabbed my hands.)

Prod: Alyssa, Im so sorry.! The guys came by yesterday and told me what you were really talking to Derek about I never should've assumed that you were cheating on me

Alyssa: Listen,....(I grabbed his face in both of my hands and made him look at me.) I love you with every bone in my body I would NEVER think of cheating on you but you really need to stop this paranoid and insecure shit cause its tearing us apart, ok.? I'll never leave you alone and I'll never leave you out to dry

Life As We Know It (Second Book to Our Life Series) (An MB/Prodigy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now