Chapter 24

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Date: July 29, 2015

Alyssa's POV

So, today is my due date I dont really feel like Im gonna give birth today or even go into labor for that matter Ive been feeling great and I haven't had any problems traveling with the baby so that's a good thing Another good thing is that the first leg of the tour is over so right now, we're in Philly Im really hoping to give birth here but we shall see

Bre: So, how you feeling girly.?

Alyssa: I want her to get out of there.!

Bahja: Are you nervous about the giving birth part.?

Alyssa: No really Nique, how was having Jailee.?

Nique: Honestly.? Painful as fuck But when she's finally out and you look at that precious face you've been waiting nine months to see, its............extraordinary

Bahja: Aww.!! I kinda want a baby now

Bre: Me too

Alyssa: Yeah Well, don't be in a rush The actual being pregnant part is not all that

Nique: Trust us

Bre: Well, it was nice having this talk with ya'll but Prince is taking me and Senia out for some family time Check ya'll later

Everyone: Bye

(She left.)

Nique: What time is it.?

Bahja:(Looks) Um, 11:30am

Nique:(Facepalms) Fuck.! I gotta go.!

Alyssa: Where.?

Nique: Ray's taking me and Jailee to an amusement park today Now, you call me or Ray if you go into labor, ok.?

Alyssa: I will I will Now go

Nique: Bye babes

(She kissed me and Bahja's cheeks and left.)

Alyssa: Are you gonna leave me too.?

Bahja: Of course not.! I wanted to hang with you anyway

Alyssa: What do you wanna do.?

Bahja: Mani's-Pedi's.?

Alyssa: Lets go

(Me and Bahja walked off of the tour bus and got into her car. We drove to the mall. We got out and walked into the nail place. They immediately seated us and we sat in the chair to soak our feet.)

Alyssa: So, how do you feel about all this, Bahj.?

Bahja:(Reading a magazine) What do you mean.?

Alyssa: I mean, how do you feel about all of us having families.? I mean, Me and Prod have this baby, Ray and Nique have Jailee, and Bre and Prince have Senia, you know.?

Bahja: Im happy for ya'll but that's just not in the cards for me and Roc right now and Im cool with that

Alyssa:(Raises eyebrow) You sure.?

Bahja: Yeah but don't worry about me Im gonna be just fine

(I leaned over and grabbed her hand. She looked at me and we smiled. An hour and a half later, me and her were done with our nails and toes. I didn't get anything too fancy since Im gonna be changing dirty diapers soon. After we left the nail place, we left the mall and went out to eat.)

Bahja: You know Lyssa, Im so glad we got to spend this time before the baby was born, you know.?

Alyssa: Yeah Im trying to give everybody a little time with just me and them

Life As We Know It (Second Book to Our Life Series) (An MB/Prodigy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now