Chapter 6 *Ray and Zonnique*

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Date: December 15, 2014 10:24pm

Zonnique's POV

After everything went down at Prod and Lyssa's house, me and Ray went home The whole drive was dead silent All I could think about was him fucking that slut We pulled up to our house I got out and slammed the door hard I ran into the house and saw my mom watching TV on the couch

Nique: Hey ma

Tiny:(Stands up and walks over to her) Hey baby I thought ya'll were staying at Prodigy and Alyssa's house tonight.?

Nique: We were but some stuff happened so we came home

Tiny:(Looks into my eyes and sees their red and puffy) Are you sure your alright.?

Nique: Im fine ma Thank you for watching Jailee

Tiny: No problem (Checks the time) I guess I should get going before it gets too late

(She pulled me into her and hugged me tight. I sighed. My moms hugs have always comforted me.)

Nique: Bye mom I love you

Tiny: Love you too honey

(She kissed my forehead and started to walk towards the door. Ray came in.)

Tiny: Hey Ray

Ray:(Fake smiles) Hey Ms.Tiny

Tiny: Jailee was an angel tonight

Ray: Thanks for watching her

Tiny: Sure thing See ya'll later.!

Ray: Bye

(She walked out of the door. Ray closed it and locked it behind her. He leaned against it and looked at me. I scoffed and walked into the kitchen and started cleaning up.)

Ray: Baby.?

Nique: me that

Ray: Nique,........I need to talk to you

Nique: We have nothing to talk about

Ray: Yes we do Just talk to me

Nique: You want me to talk.? Ok fine (I threw down the towel and leaned against the counter.) You wanna talk about how you cheated on me.? Or how you lied to me.? Or how you managed to hide this from me for two years Rayan.! TWO YEARS.!

Ray: Im sorry.!! I didn't even mean for it to happen.! One day, I was at the house alone and I was horny then Khalia came over looking for Prod thing led to another

Nique: So that's your excuse.?! That you were "Horny".?!

Ray: Its not an excuse.! Im trying to be honest with you.!

Nique: Its a little for being honest, isnt it.?!

(We stood there in silence for at least five minutes. I broke it)

Nique: I think you should move out

Ray:(Looks at me with a distraught face) You don't mean that Nique

Nique: Yeah I do You need to

(He started moving closer to me. He came up to me and put his hands on my hips.)

Nique: Get off me

Ray: Nique, I love you too much to let something like this get between us I love you and only you

Nique:(Looks up at him) But Im not the only one you will ever fuck

(I pushed him out if the way and headed upstairs to our office. I sat there for like 20 minutes just thinking. I decide to get up to see if he had left yet. I got up and walked into our bedroom. All of his stuff was gone out of the closet. I walked down the hall and I heard his voice.  I walked to Jailee's room. He was sitting in the rocking chair holding her on his arms. I hid behind the door so e wouldn't see me.)

Ray: Jay, Im gonna be gone for a little while, ok.?

Jailee: Where are you going, Daddy.?

Ray: Im just gonna go get a new house

Jailee: Can me and mommy come.?

Ray: I don't think mommy would want to but you can come anytime you want to

Jailee: So, your not gonna be here everyday.?

Ray: No mamas

Jailee: I don't want you to leave me daddy

Ray:(Sighs and a tear rolls down his face) I don't wanna leave either but mommy wants me to so I have to But I'll come see you and you can come see me, ok.?

Jailee:(Lowers her head and pouts) Ok

Ray: Hey (Lifts her head up) No pouting Can I see a smile, please.?

(Jailee looked up at him and smiled wide. He loved her smile. He always said that the only time she looked like him was when she smiled.)

Jailee: I love you daddy

Ray: I love you too mama

(She reached up and threw her tiny arms around his neck. I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I sighed and opened the door. They both looked up at me.)

Ray: Hey I was just about to leave

Nique: Its ok

Ray:(To Jailee) You wanna help me take my stuff to the car.?

(Jailee nodded her head. She jumped out of his arms and ran out of the room. Me and Ray followed her. When we got downstairs, we saw her trying to pull his duffle bag out of the door. Ray rushed over to her and picked it up. I couldn't help but smile.)

Ray: Hey You have to be careful before you hurt yourself

Jailee:(Smiles) Ok daddy

(We followed him outside and watched as he put his bags in his car. After he did that, he walked back over to us. He bent down to Jailee's level.)

Ray: Don't forget what I said about coming to see me, ok.? Whenever you want to

Jailee:(Nods) Ok I love you daddy

Ray: I love you too baby

(He kissed her cheek. He stood up and looked at me.)

Ray: Im sorry

Nique: I know you are but sorry doesn't really fix it

Ray: I love you

Nique: I love you too

(He tried to kiss me on the lips but I turned my head and he kissed my cheek. He sighed. He walked away and got in his car. He started it up and pulled off. I picked Jailee up and we went back in the house. I carried her upstairs.)

Nique: You wanna sleep with mama tonight.?

Jailee:(Nods) Yes

(I carried her into our room and sat her on the bed. I turned on the TV and put on Wreck It Ralph for her. I went into the bathroom and changed into my pajamas. When I came back out, she was laughing and giggling at the movie. I sat next to her and she cuddled up to me.)

Jailee: Mommy.?

Nique: Yes, baby.?

Jailee: I miss daddy

Nique:(Sighs) Me too baby Me too

So, I hope ya'll liked it Im trying something different so........

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