Chapter 9 *Prodigy and Alyssa*

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Date: December 15, 2014 10:34pm

Alyssa's POV

So, for the past half an hour, Ive been sitting here in the bathroom After the boys and the girls left, me and Prod were alone He tried to talk to me but I ignored him and ran upstairs I locked myself in the bathroom and this is where Ive been since then Prod was banging on the door for at least 10 minutes but eventually, he stopped I figured he was gone by now I got up off the bathroom floor and opened the door I poked my head out I didn't see anyone so I came all the way out I went downstairs to the kitchen and I saw him sitting at the counter

Prod:(Sees me) Lyssa, wait.!

(I turned around and started to run back to the bathroom when I felt him pick me up. He carried into the living room and put me on the floor. Before I had a chance to get up, he got on top of me and he had both legs on either side of my body.)

Prod: Stop running from me.! I just wanna talk to you.!

Alyssa:(Scoffs) Prod, I don't even want to LOOK at you right now

Prod: Alyssa, Im sorry.! I didn't mean for it to happen.!

Alyssa: What the fuck you mean "You didn't mean for it to happen.?"!! Ya'll have been fucking her for  the past 6 months.!! Do you know how many time IVE fucked you in the past 6 months.?! And you had sex with her without a condom...........(Gags) Im gonna be sick

Prod: Lyssa, it was a mistake.!

Alyssa: A 6 month mistake......Mmmm.....that's some shit

Prod: Alyssa, please

Alyssa: How did this all start.?

Prod: Huh.?

Alyssa:(Grabs him by the collar) How did ya'll start fucking again.?!

Prod: Ok Ok (I let his collar go) Do you remember when you were doing all those shows a couple months ago so that you could get some more fans before you released the album.?

Alyssa: Yeah

Prod: You were at one of your shows and I was here I was horny that night so I jacked off.......But it really didn't work and then Khalia came over and she said that she could take care of my problem so...........we had sex and afterwards she told me to call her anytime that I wanted and.........that's how it all started

Alyssa: Wow (Scoffs) So, was I not good enough for you.? Huh.?!

Prod: Alyssa, don't say that.! Your beautiful, smart, independent (Takes a strand of my hair and puts it behind my ear.) I love everything about you

Alyssa: Well, if you love everything about me, why did you go and cheat on me multiple times.?

(He sat there with a dumb look on his face. I sighed and tears started to roll down my face.)

Alyssa: Exactly my point

(I pushed him off of me, stood up, and walked upstairs to our bedroom. When I got there, I pulled out a suitcase and started to pack some clothes in it. Prod followed me upstairs and saw me packing.)

Prod: Lyssa, are you leaving me.?!

(I didn't answer him, I just kept packing.)

Prod:(Closes the suitcase) Lyssa, your not leaving me.!

Alyssa: You should've thought about this before you went and got Khalia pregnant.!

Prod: That's not my baby.!

Alyssa: Prod, I know Khalia She messes around with a lot of dudes but NEVER two at the same time So.........(I put the last of the clothes in there and zipped it up.) Congratulations Your gonna be a daddy

(I grabbed the suitcase and pulled it downstairs. Prod followed behind me begging me to stay.)

Alyssa: Well, here you go

Prod:(Confused) What are you talking about.?

Alyssa: This isnt my suitcase Its yours

(Prod stood there looking dumbfounded)

Alyssa: You actually thought I would leave when YOUR the one who cheated on me No boo

Prod:(Whispers) Im not leaving

Alyssa: What.?

Prod: Im not leaving.!! I put too much work into this damn relationship and Im not just gonna walk out.!!

Alyssa: YOU put too much work in.?! Nigga, Ive dealt with your attitudes, the other women, TM going crazy half the time, writing songs for you, making up chorography for you, getting no sleep because Ive had to work on a set design FOR YOU, and not to mention that I fuck you whenever you want

Prod: I know that you've done a lot for me but Ive done a lot for you too.!

Alyssa: Like what.?

Prod:(Comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.) I taught you how to trust again. I brought you outta your shell Ive loved you.........even when you were with someone else Ive helped you build up your confidence........maybe a little too much

(We both laughed at that)

Prod: I love you Your are me and Im you You have half of my heart babe and I don't think your gonna give it back anytime soon

Alyssa: Babe (Turns around to face him) You have half of my heart too But..........I think we should take a break, you know.?

Prod:(Nods and puts his head down) Yeah

Alyssa: Its just that with Khalia being pregnant, you need to focus on her Not us right now

Prod: But its not m....(GCO)

Alyssa: Even if it does turn out to be yours, you don't wanna miss anything, do you.?

Prod: No

Alyssa: Exactly (I lifted his head up with my hands) We can still be together but just not........Together together, ok.?

Prod: Ok I love you baby girl

Alyssa:(Starts crying again) I love you too

Prod:(Whispers) Hey, no tears Like you said, we can still see each other....(Sucks on my ear) Maybe fuck from time to time

Alyssa:(Giggles and Sniffles) You are a fool

Prod: A fool for you (Sighs) I should go

Alyssa: Yeah I guess

Prod:(Picks up the suitcase) I love you

Alyssa:(Wipes her tears) I love you too

(He kissed me passionately. He walked out of the door to the car and pulled out of the driveway. I closed to front door and made my way upstairs. The room looked empty with all of Prod's stuff in there. I sighed, layed on the bed, and turned on the TV. I was just dozing off when I got a text.)

Moonwalker: Every day I love you more than yesterday. Sweet dreams I love you

Life As We Know It (Second Book to Our Life Series) (An MB/Prodigy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now