Chapter 19

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Date: April 16, 2015 2:43am

Alyssa's POV

So, as you can see, Prod is still at the hospital Im getting kinda worried He hasn't called, texted, anything I was laying in our bed when my phone rang I reached over to the nightstand and picked it up

Alyssa:(Sleepily) Hello.?

Prod:(Sniffles) Babe.....

Alyssa: Prod.? Whats wrong.?

Prod: I need you to come to the hospital

Alyssa: Ok Im on my way

(I hung up. I got up and slipped on some jogging pants over my shorts. I grabbed one of Prod's hoodies and threw it on. I grabbed my phone and my keys and ran out of the house. I got in my car and sped to the hospital. I got out of the car and ran inside to the front desk.)

Alyssa: Hi Khalia James, please.?

Receptionist: Room 546 Right down the hall

(I nodded and ran down the hall. When I ran around the corner, I saw Prod sitting on the floor with his head in his hands. I ran over to him and kneeled next to him.)

Alyssa: Babe........whats wrong.?

Prod:(Sniffles and looks at me) Khalia's dead babe

Alyssa: Really.? (He nodded his head) Damn.......How's the baby.?

Prod: Their saying that he's probably not gonna make it

Alyssa: Aw babe (Holds out my arms) Come here

(He leaned over and buried his face in my hoodie. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight. I rubbed his head and I felt a few tears slip down my face.)

Alyssa: No matter what happens..........Your gonna be fine, ok.?

Prod:(Sniffles and nods) Ok

(He pulled away from me and wiped his face. All of a sudden, a doctor walked up to us.)

Doctor: Craig.?

(Prod stood up and rubbed his hands over his face. I stood up and grabbed his hand and held it tight.)

Prod: Hows he doing.?

Doctor: Remarkably, he's breathing on his own now We just have to keep him here for a few days to make absolutely sure he's gonna be fine

Prod: Thank you so much.!

Doctor:(Smiles) No problem You guys can come see him if you want

(He walked away.)

Prod:(Looks up at the sky) Thank you god

Alyssa: Definitely Can I see him.?

Prod:(Smiles) Of course

(He led me back to the nursery. He brought me over to one of the carts. I looked inside and I saw a brown skin baby boy. He had a head full of hair, dark brown eyes like Prod, and big ears like Prod.)

Alyssa: Prod, hes beautiful.! He looks just like you.!

Prod: Yeah This is definitely my son (Sighs) Wanna hold him.?

Alyssa: Yeah

(I sat down in one of the rocking chairs. Prod gently picked him up and placed him in my arms. He snuggled into me.)

Alyssa: Whats his name.?

Prod: Cameron Cameron Thomas Crippen

Alyssa:(Looks at the baby) Nice to meet you Cameron

Life As We Know It (Second Book to Our Life Series) (An MB/Prodigy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now