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Kellin's pov

"Good afternoon Mr.Fuentes you want the usual?" I asked one of my regulars. He came every week.

"You know it darling." Mr.Fuentes replied with his charming smile. I'm not gonna lie he was quite attractive. Actually very attractive. I finished writing his order down and went to the kitchen.

"Mr.Fuentes is here you know what he wants I'm sure." I called. I walked over to my other tables and asked if they were doing okay. Mr.Fuentes would look at me watching my every move. People would say this was creepy but to my it was nice I mean it's not everyday people as great as him come in. He's been coming here for a while. The bell rung to notify me that the order was ready. I went to the window grabbing the plate and walking to Mr.Fuentes's table.

"Thank you Kellin. Why don't you sit down?" He asked. I looked back and frowned.

"I'd love to but I do have tables. Thanks for the offer Mr.Fuentes maybe another time." I answered with a bright smile. He was too nice for his own good.

"It's okay sweetie and please call me Vic because Mr.Fuentes makes me feel old. I'm only 30!" He exclaimed and I giggled. To think of it we aren't that many years apart. I'm what...27 (I'm aware these aren't their ages just go with the flow.) I smiled and nodded.


"Shifts over Bostwick!" Jenna called. I glared at her.

"Quinn it's Quinn not Bostwick." I mumbled. She just ignored me and I got all my stuff. I walked to my car to see a note and a bouquet of flowers. I smiled and picked them up.

I would love for us to get to know each other a little more. So, call me sometime? <3~Vic

I smiled at the note. On the back there was his his number. I picked up the flowers and got in my car. When I got to my apartment I jumped on my bed and groaned.

"I miss you so much" I said to my bed. If anyone saw me they'd think I was crazy.I flipped on my back and smiled.

"He wants to get to know me? But I'm so simple. And well... I don't know plain." I said to myself. I heard the door open.

"What is the point of having a me if you never talk to me!?!" Lynn yelled. I laughed.

"Then come over here!" I yelled back. I heard her get off her bed and come in. She plopped down on my bed.

"So what's the juicy gossip?" She asked. I looked at her and squealed. I was quite excited to tell her. I mean who wouldn't be! This is Mr. Fuentes we're talking about here.

"So you know my regular I always talk about right? Well when I got off work today there was a flowers and this note!" I exclaimed pulling the note from my pocket and handed it to her.

"Ohhh Kellin is on fireeeee." She squealed. I laughed and shoved her playfully.

"Well I was saying I just don't know what he sees on me. I'm plain and boring. He's all interesting and handsome and sexy." I went on about him as she stared at me.

"I'm glad you have moved on from Jesse. I can tell you like Vic." She stated.

"I just I just I don't know what he sees in me." I said and dropped my head in the pillow. She laughed and picked me up.

Kellic One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now