The Cheap Bouquet.

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Vic's pov

My hands shook as I walked up to the boy of my dreams. He sat on the grass, in deep thought.

"Kellin? Uhm- Kellin Quinn?" I spoke up. He jumped a little bit.

"Oh- uh hi." he greeted.

"I'm V-Vic Fuentes and I uh- I think you are extremely beautiful. Would you be intrested in going on a date tonight?" I proposed. He looked a little shocked and nodded.

"Yeah, sure." he said.

"We could meet at the park at 5 is that okay?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yes I'll see you tonight." he said. I smiled and walked off.


It's 4:50 and I'm already at the park. I don't expect him to be early. I sat on the park bench with the rose bouquet in my hand, waiting patiently. I couldn't wait for kellin to come.

Now it is 5:16, still no sign of Kellin. Only 16 minutes that's not too late... Maybe he had to do something real quick.

Then 5:30 went around. Okay, that's fine he will be here. He has to be here. I'll just wait for the beautiful boy to come around.

It's now 6:00 and I don't think Kellin is coming. I let my tears fall as I walked back home. I was trying to figure out why Kellin didn't come. Did he not like me? Maybe he was nervous. As I walked in the house I was met with my mother. She wore a sympathetic expression.

"Victor, I tried calling you so many times. I was so worried." she said.

"Worried?" I asked.

"Come in the living room, I'll show you. That Kellin boy, he couldn't make it for a reason." she said. I still had the bouquet in my hands. I looked at her with a confused look.

"Mom, how do you know he wasn't coming?" I asked nervously. She turned on the tv. I wasn't paying attention until I heard the familiar name through the speakers.

"At 5:05 pm, young teen shot. Yes, 13 year old Kellin Bostwick was shot in the chest 5 times while walking to Lions Park. He was pronounced dead at the scene. We will check in when we have more information." the news anchor said solemnly. My heart sank and I let out a quiet sob. My mom pulled me to her chest.

"H-he's dead, mom." I sobbed. From upstairs I heard a door open. My 11 year old brother mike came running down the stairs.

"V-Vic are you okay?" he asked quietly. I shook my head and cried. My younger brother hugged me tightly.

"It's okay, Vic. Everything's gonna be fine, right? You're okay." Mike said. He was confused and probably worried.

I sat up and got the bouquet. I was going to save these until Kellin's funeral.

4 days later

Kellin's funeral was hard. Everyone was sad and crying. I was too. I cried hard and just let everything out. Kellin's mom had thanked my family for coming. She was devastated. But, if I were in her place I would be too. There were a couple of people from school who had came.

That made me mad. They've never even talked to Kellin. None of them even cried one tear. The only thing I had with me was the seven dollar bouquet. It had meant something to me. I never got to give it to him. Maybe now he'll be able to enjoy it, where ever he his. We never got to talk, or laugh, I never got to really know him. Now I never will.

They had caught the suspects the day after Kellin's death. I was beyond happy. That was the only good thing.

A week after Kellin's funeral every one at school went back to normal. Not one kid at this middle school had said anything. Except for today.

"I bet Kellin killed himself. I mean wasn't he emo or something?" I heard someone say.

"Don't talk about him like that Erin." I snapped.

"I'm just saying. You weren't friends with him right?"

"Yeah. I was and I don't like how you're talking about him. He never did anything to you." I replied. Erin just rolled his eyes and walked away. That made me angry. Who would even say that about Kellin.

When I got home I ran to my room. I kicked off my shoes and dropped my heavy backpack. On my desk sat a beautiful bouquet of red roses. It didn't say who it was from. It was just sitting on my desk.

A white paper flew down in front of my feet. I picked it up. It had hearts and had kq in big bold red letters. I looked at the bouquet and smiled.

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