On My Own Two Feet

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Kellin's pov

  I've been walking for two weeks now. Now it might not seem big for you but for me? This was a HUGE deal. That's because I haven't been able to move my legs for two years.

Yes, I know two fucking years. Today, I just turned 21 so I haven't been able to walk since I was 18! Yeah that's right I couldn't get up and make cup of noodles all because a drunk driver's dumb choices. Anyways, today I only asked for one thing, that was to see my favorite nurse. His name is Vic or Dr.Fuentes. He was my only friend in the hospital and left my first year there. He cried from what I was told but I mean, so did I.

   He has no idea I could walk and so he probably will be surprised. Dr.Fuentes is very attractive and very sweet and I've missed him SOOOO much. As I walked through the halls of this new hospital I smirked. This was alot fancier than where I was. I got to a door that read "FUENTES" in big bold letters. I sat in a wheelchair laughing and knocked on the door. I heard foot steps get closer and closer.

  "Hello I- KELLIN OH MY FUCK!" He shouted in excitement. I got up and hugged him.

  "KELLIN I- YOU'RE WALKING. OH MY GOD" He cried in happiness. We walked into his office and sat down. He smiled at me and handed me an envelope.

  "I've been meaning to give this to you but was never sure if you were still at the hospital. I've missed you so much sweetie!" he said in a happy tone. I smiled and opened the envelope. Inside was pictures of me and him and a little card.

   'I thought about you everyday and prayed that I would see you again. Much love Kellin.'

    I smiled and looked at him.
   "So! How's everything going I know today's you're birthday so you know we could go out or something." he said getting a little red. I laughed.

     "Dr.Fuentes! Are you asking me out!?!" I asked just to see his reaction. He blushed an even deeper red.

     "I-no-yes-uh" he nervously smiled.

    "I'd love to Vic."

Ayeeee 99.9% chance of a pt.2


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