Chapter 5

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                        {love of my life right there}

Annie's POV:

I felt someone shaking me. I slowly started to open my eyes. Noticing that I was still in the hospital.

"Wake up Annie! We're going home!" Michael said trying to shake me awake.

I was finally getting to go home after 2 days in this hell hole. I moved to lay on my back. "Michael I'm awake. Stop." I said laughing. When I said 'Mi-' Michael immediately hugged me. Now remembering he didn't see me wake up yesterday. He probably thought I was in a coma.

I leaned upward and pulled the scratchy blanket off. "Well, when do we leave?" I asked.

"When you get ready we can leave." Ashton said looking at his phone. Everyone was tired except for Michael, but I didn't see Luke anywhere.

"Where's Luke? Did he leave?" I asked everyone, starting to get out of the bed.

"He had to go and take care of something." Ashton said looking up at me. I nodded and walked to the bathroom grabbing the bag the boys must have put together for me.

I opened it and pulled out everything. There was a shirt, shorts, my bathroom bag. But then I remembered my blades they were on top of my bathroom sink, where my bathroom bag was. Oh no.

Whoever packed my bag, most likely Luke, saw my blades. I didn't know what to do. Someone knows about my cutting and if they know there going to think differently of me.

I finished getting ready and walk out of the bathroom. That's when I see Luke standing by the door. He looks over at me and doesn't give any expression. He knows. He was the one who saw.

I wasn't going to let anyone else find out. "Ok you guys ready to go?" I asked. Michael stood up and walked over to me putting is arm across my shoulders.

"Yes! Let's get out here. I wanna go home." Michael said pulling me towards the door.

We all walk out and toward the car. Luke gets in the drivers seat, Calum in the passenger, and me Ashton and Michael in the back.

The ride home was silent except for the fighting between Michael and Ashton. But other than that nothing. Getting home was going to be hell.

Luke pulls into the driveway and parks under the balcony. He jumps out and so does Calum. Me, Ashton and Michael following.

But halfway to the door Luke stops me. "Ashton grab Annie's bag and take it to her room, will ya." Luke says.

Ashton comes over and takes my bag whispering, "good luck" he knew this was going to be awful and harsh. And I did to.

Luke grabs me arm and walks me over to the bench beside the house. He sits down pulling me down with him.

"Annie, last night I went home to pack you and overnight bag for the hospital and I found something laying on the counter." Luke said staring into my eyes. He tried to say it as calmly as he could, but I knew he was angry.

I put my head down. "No, Annie look at me. Do you know what I found on the counter?" Luke asked.

I lifted my head up and looked him in the eyes.
"Yes, you saw two blades laying on the counter." I said tears forming in my eyes. I didn't want to lie about what he saw. Because then he would know I was lying, and this whole thing would get worse.

"Why Annie. Why would you want to do that to yourself." Luke said looking at taking my hand in a tight grip.

"I don't know. I just, i can't stop myself." I said to him tears starting to brim and fall down my cheek.

"Does this have to do with your past." Luke said putting his hand to my cheek and wiping the falling tears away.

I didn't want to tell him what my dad would tell me when I was younger. But I had to, I felt safe with him. I trust him. "M-my dad told me when I was little, that I was wor-worthless and that I should kill myself and cut." I said tears coming down faster.

Luke just stared at me and then hugged me tight. He was so warm and he felt safe to me.

"Annie, you are not worthless. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Your my daughter. I want to help you stop. Ashton used to cut, I want you to talk to him about this. He can help you. And Remember come to whenever you need to talk. I'm always here Annie, I love you." Luke said hugging me tighter and kissing my head.

I was a mess. And no one could fix that.

I hope you liked it, it was once again dramatic.

Anyways did you see Luke's post today, all the boys together. AND CALUM LOOKING AT LUKE!!! I SHIP CAKE SO HARD❤️

I'll update soon. And remember to vote and comment!!!

LOVE YOU GUYS!❤️ - gigi💋

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