Chapter 33

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Hey babes:)))$!¡!

Ashton's POV:

"Mom what's wrong?" I said panicking into the phone.

Oh my god. She had to be okay, something can't be wrong.

"Ash, what's happening?" Annie said from behind me.

I shrugged my shoulders and waited for a response on the phone.

"Mom?" I said again into the phone.

"Ashton." A man said into the phone.

Wait who is that, and how do they know my name.

"Hold on, who is this." I said into the phone getting more confused.

There was silence on the line and then the man answered.

"Its me Ashton," he said, "your father."

I dropped my phone and was speechless.

My Father.

No, he left us when I was young. It can't be him.

"Ashton what's going on?" Annie said putting her hand on my shoulder.

I didn't know what to say.

My dad is back and he just thinks he can call me. Just like that.

I opened my mouth to try to say something but nothing came out, and I just hung up.

"Ash?" Annie said again.

I turned around looking into her eyes.

"My dad came back." I said tears brimming my eyes.

Annie just stood there, she didn't say anything.

Was she as shocked as i was or what.

"Are you okay?" She asked grabbing my hand.

Am I okay?

"I don't know." I said sitting down on the bed.

Annie looked at me and I could see how tired she was from trying to take care of me.

I felt so bad throwing all this on her. She can't handle all this, she's probably about to break.

I have to stop.

"You know what, I can't keep doing this to you. I can't just throw all my problems onto you Annie. I'm using you to take care of my problems." I said truthfully.

"Ash, it's fine. Your going through a hard time I want to help." She said, but I knew she was lying.

She was about to lose it and break.

"No, it's not fine." I said to her standing up.

She just looked down and didn't know what to say.

"I'm gonna go get ready for the show, so take a break for a little go out. I love you." I said kissing her forehead.

"I love you too, see you later?" She said standing there while I walked to the door about to leave.

"Yeah." I said walking out and closing the door.

I walked down the hallway to the elevators and pressed the down button.

The doors opened and I got in.

Right when the doors started to close a hand slid through and the doors opened again.

It was Luke, and he looked like a mess.

Annie's POV:

I was just sitting in the room after Ashton had left, processing what just happened.

His mom called but it was his dad.


I don't understand. Why would his dad call him.

He just walked out of their lives he can't just jump right back in, and think he can fix everything.

I just want to give Ashton a hug and not let go, I miss him and it's been literally 5 minutes.

Ashton's POV:

What was up with him, he looked like he was about to cry.

Oh no.

He can't know.

Does he know about me and Annie, oh please no. Please no.

"Ashton, there's something I need to tell you." Luke said stepping into the elevator.

Oh shit, this wasn't gonna be sweet at all.

"What do you need to tell me." I said trying to act confident and not show anything.

"It's about Annie." Luke said looking down at the ground.

Fuck, he found out.

Did Calum tell him, cause I swear I will ruin him if he did.

"What about Annie?" I said with a shake to my voice.

"A few weeks ago I took Annie to get some blood work done, just seeing if anything was wrong. And her results came back." Luke said tears forming in his eyes.

I just stood there, there was something wrong with Annie.

No she can't be sick, my mom just got diagnosed with cancer. Please this can't happen.

"Luke tell me, what's wrong." I said.

"Annie has leukemia." He said tears now streaming down his face.

No she can't.

No please god no.

Why, why Annie. The sweetest girl who wouldn't do anything bad in her life. Why her.

"No, not Annie. Please no." I said choking up and tears starting to go down my face.

The elevator doors opened and we were in the lobby.

I looked at Luke and didn't know what to do.

Annie has leukemia.

She's sick, really sick. And there's nothing I can do.

Why is this happening.

All these bad things coming down, at the same time.

Two of the people I love the most, both our sick and have small chances of living.

There's just a little chance of hope.

Sorry it's been so long but I hope you emjoyed

And FEEL free to let me know if this is getting bad or anything because I would appreciate the feed Back

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