Chapter 21

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Hey guys sorry I haven't updated for a while but I've been studying for finals and other school stuff.


Luke's POV:

I lost Annie.

I didn't see here anywhere, I lost her.

All I could hear was screaming girls and all I could see where people surrounding me and flashing cameras.

And I didn't see Annie anywhere.

Of course this happened, I was distracted and was focused on getting us somewhere where we wouldn't get mobbed. But that didn't work.

"Annie!" I screamed over all the yelling.

I tried to push through the mob and get out somewhere where I could see better.

But I couldn't it was to packed.

"Everyone stop it now!" I yelled at all the fans.

Probably wasn't the best idea but I had to find Annie. She was my daughter, who the hell loses there daughter.

Everyone started going quiet, so this was my chance to find Annie.

"Annie! Where are you! Yell if you can hear me!" I screamed as loud as possible.

But I didn't hear just one scream, I heard hundreds. Great.

I was going to be nice and gentle anymore, I didn't care what they saw and what the paps saw. I just needed to find Annie.

I pushed some girls that were in front of me and pushed through more and more.

But then I couldn't move anymore because there was something or someone below me.

I looked down and saw a girl sprawled out on the ground, but he face was towards the ground.

I bent down and turned the girl over.


It was Annie.

I could feel tears forming in my eyes and just looking at her made me so sad and mad at what I had done.

"Annie! Annie wake up, it's luke. Wake up please!" I yelled down to her.

She didn't respond so I started shaking her, but nothing happened.

She was unconscious.

I picked her up and stood up.

Paps were flashing the cameras, getting shots of me with tears going down my face holding Annie in my arms.

I pushed through the crowd and once I got out I started running.

Running as fast as I had ever run to try to get to the building that we came in from.

It was only a few feet away, and I could hear people running behind me and yelling for me to stop and take pictures.

I got to the door and banged on it, I couldn't get it opened because I was holding Annie in my arms.

I started kicking it and then a security guard finally came and opened it.

I ran in and got to the nearest bench and laid her down.

"Sir, what happened. Do you know this girl?" The security guard asked.

"She's my daughter, I'm Luke Hemming's. And she got disconnected from me when fans came. And I found her a few minutes later on the ground trampled and unconscious." I said pulling out my phone.

I dialed Ashton's number and put it up to my hear.

After the 3rd ring he answered.

"Ashton meet me at the hospital now. Annie.. Something happened and just meet me there with the boys." I said panicking into the phone.

I picked Annie back up and ran to the end of the building to the other doors that lead to the parking lot.

I ran across and to my car unlocking it and setting Annie inside.

I buckled her in and went to my side pulling out as quickly as possible.

I sped down the street and saw the sign for the local hospital.

I turned down the street and saw it.

I drove faster and got to the parking lot I pulled in and parked me car.

So many things were going though my mind right now. What if she wasn't even alive.

What if she got severely injured.

I stopped my thinking and got out of the car running around to Annie's side and getting her out putting her in my arms and running to the doors.

I stepped inside and went to the front desk.

"My daughter. She got trampled by fans and she's unconscious." I said half yelling because I was so worried.

"Sir, calm down your going to have to wait. Emergency is full." The nurse said slowly.

Is she kidding! They can't take my fucking daughter because emergencies  full and  she's fucking unconscious.

"That's not going to work mam, my daughter is fucking unconscious. I'm not going to wait. I don't even now if she's alive! You have to let me in." I yelled at her.

She didn't say anything except pick up a phone and dial a number.

"Hello, yes is Dr. Shepard free right now. We have a mans daughter who got trampled and is unconscious, well at least he thinks," She said into the phone. "Ok thank you."

She put the phone down. I was waiting for an answer.

"Dr. Shepard is coming right now, what's your daughters name?" She said looking at her computer.

"Annie Hemming's." I said taking a breath.

A doctor was going to take care of her, everything would be fine. I hope.

I heard doors open and a noise come from behind me.

There was a bed and a doctor with dark hair and a blond girl with him.

"Sir, let me take your daughter. We need to check out what's happening with her." He said coming toward me holding out his arms.

I looked down at Annie. Tears were still streaming down my face, and I was a mess.

"Ok, just please take care of her." I said crying harder when he took her from my arms.

I watched as he set her on the bed and rolled it out again into the long hallway behind the doors.

Please don't let this be the last time I would see my Annie.

Heyyyy guyssss

I'll won't really be updating for a while once again cause I'm going to my fams island place and finals and other shit.

Sooooooo I hope you liked this update!!!

LOVE YOU GUYS❤️❤️ gigi💋

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