Chapter 13

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Hey guys! So I literally love all of you so much OMG your amazing. Anyways so sadly I probably won't be updating to about 2 weeks cause I'm going out of the country and ya so sorry but this chapter gonna be good❤️


Annie's POV:

Me and Ashton has been sitting in the guest room for about 10 minutes him just staring at me, and me not knowing what to do with my bleeding arm.

"Ash I'm rea-" I said but got cut off.

"Annie you said you stopped! You physically told me you had stopped, but no you lied and now her we are." Ashton said angrily

"I'm sorry, I just I felt disgusted in myself. I always do for crying out loud!" I half yelled. My hands were shaking just cause I was scared and I didn't know why.

"Annie, does Luke even fucking know?" He said mad.

"Yes, but he thought I stopped, and so did you earlier." I probably shouldn't have said that he thought I stopped earlier but I was just full of shit right now.

"I'm brining him in here, and your not fighting with me about that." Ashton said standing up and walking out the door.

Great. Now Luke was going to be dragged into this. I know he's my dad, well not really, but he was going to make me go get help for this. Which is the worst thing possible for me.

I could hear loud and fast footsteps coming toward the guest room.

I put my head down and felt a tear stream down but I quickly wiped it away.

The footsteps stopped right in the door way and I knew it was Luke.

"Annie, why? Just why?" He said sadly.

He walked over to me but I kept my head down refusing to look at him.

"You told me you stopped and that it wouldn't be a issue anymore, I thought you felt comfortable with yourself." He said disappointed.

I brought my head up. Looking him in the eyes. He looked worried and sad. Not like Ashton who was mad and pissed at me.

"I've never felt comfortable with myself Luke, and I never will." I said I stood up and began walking out.

But Luke grabbed my arm, my bad arm.

"Ow!" I screamed turning around and grabbing my arm scooting backwards.

"I'm sorry Annie, I wasn't thinking of which arm." He said rambling. He didn't know how to handle this.

I turned and walked out of the room through the living room.

I could see Calum and Michael in the corner of my eye staring at me.

I walked past them and ran up the steps into my room shutting and locking it.

Tears starting running down my face and loud sobs started coming out. I just let all my emotion out.

I probably was making this more dramatic then it is but I didn't care. I was stressed and confused and messed up.

I was messed up for sure. For Christ's sake I cut myself!

I was losing my mind, very thing just seemed like it was falling apart. Or I was just going crazy.

"Annie? Please open the door" it was Luke. He followed me upstairs. He probably thought I was gonna end it.

I thought that to.

"Annie. I'm sorry okay? Please open the door." He said more sternly this time.

The sobs kept coming out and my breathing was short and panicked. I sounded like I was having a panic attack, in which I kinda was.

"Annie! Open this door now!" Luke said louder banging the door with his hand.

"N-no, no, no, I'm ending it." I said quietly. I was sick of this.

It was only my first week living with them and they already judged me. People at school judged me, I only had one friend. My life was awful.

"Annie! Please! Open the door!" Luke yelled, he was banging on the door trying to get it. But I knew that he wouldn't break the door.

I stood up and walked to the window I looked out and saw no one.

I opened the window and climbed through so I could sit on the ledge.

"Open the door Annie! I'm not joking open he door!" Luke said again.

"Calum! Go outside try to get in her window." Luke yelled down the stairs.

I ignored what Luke said and continued to just sit there.

There was silence at my door. Did Luke leave?

But before I could turn around I heard a huge crash. Luke had broken my door. Of course he had.

"Annie. Please don't baby, I love you so much. Please come back inside." He said softly.

He sounded scared and shaken. Well I was too.

I looked back outside and saw Calum and Ashton walking out the door. They hadn't seen me yet.

I moved my hands, and scored closer to the edge.

"Annie please come inside. You don't want to do this." Luke said softly.

"Yes I do Luke. You have no idea how hard it is to live in house wth 4 judging boys. I feel so insecure and disgusted in myself. It's time for me to go." I said to Luke.

I took a deep breath and pushed off the ledge.

"Annie!" Luke screamed.

I looked down and saw that Ashton and claim hadn't made it to the side of the house yet.

Before I knew if my body slammed into the ground and everything went black.


So I don't know if this was as good as I had planned but tell me if ya liked it!

Anyways I won't be updating for a while so that's why I updated 2 times this week!!!!!

Love y'all - gigi❤️❤️

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