Chapter 23

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Hey so I prob won't be updating again for like 2 weeks cause I'm traveling


Annie's POV:

I heard a tapping noise close to my head. What the heck.

I had been asleep for like 2 hours and it was 1:00 am ish now. Great just great.

I was never going to fall back asleep.

I sat myself up and pulled off the covers. A rush of coldness came over me, why did the boys always want it to be like Antarctica in the house.

I rolled out of my bed and slipped my slippers on grabbing a blanket on the way to the door.

I slowly opened the door so there wouldn't be any noise and tip toed out into the dark hallway.

Everyone's doors were closed so I guess I was the only one awake. But then I heard something.

There was something or someone downstairs. And it wasn't the boys because they were all asleep.

Oh my god. I don't do well with handling things like this. I always assume the worst.

I kept walking toward he stairs slower now and peeked around the corner immediately stepping back.

I saw a tall figure.

There was a burglar in my house. What if the figure was actually a murderer, and I was going to die tonight.

Shit what am I going to do.

So I did the first thing that popped into my mind, I ran to one of the boys room which ever was closest.

Which was Michaels.

I opened his door quietly shutting it behind me and jumped into his bed hiding under the covers.

Michael woke up instantly. Wow that's not normal.

"What the fuck Annie." He said tiredly rubbing his eyes.

"There's someone downstairs and it's not anyone that lives here, Mikey were going to get killed." I said dramatically.

I put my head next to his and pulled the blankets all the way up over me.

"Are you sure it's not just one of the boys?" He said pulling the blankets off my head and staring at me.

I nodded my head and pulled the blanket back over.

"Ok, well I'll go check but you have to come with me." He said rolling out of the bed.

I moaned and got up wrapping my blanket around me again.

Mikey opened his door but stepped back in. He looked into the corner and grabbed a baseball bat.

"Just stay behind me." He said.

I nodded and followed him down the dark hallway.

We got to the stairs and he peeked around the corner and looked back at me with wide eyes.

Mikey might not have been the best person to pick for this, but it's to late now.

He started going down the stairs and I could tell he was shaking cause the bat was moving like crazy.

That's when I stepped on the last stair and it made a huge creak. Shit.

The figure looked back and me and Michael started screaming.

"NO PLEASE DONT KILL US!" Michael yelled shielding his face.

I grabbed onto his arm and squeezed my eyes shut. 

"Guys calm down its just me." A voice that sounded like Luke's said.

I looked up and saw Luke standing in the kitchen holding a glass of water.

"Oh my god you fucking scared us to death you little shit." Michael said turning around and going up the stairs.

I started laughing and so did Luke.

"Annie what are you doing up anyway?" Luke said staring at me.

I stood there thinking of why I was up and then I remembered.

"I heard a taping noise and I woke up so then I was gonna go get some water. And when I looked down the stairs I saw a tall figure which I didn't think was you. So then I went to Mikey's room and told him and now I'm here." I said smiling.

Luke put his hand up to his head and laughed.

"We'll get your little butt back up to bed, and if you need anything I'll be in my room." Luke said smiling.

I turned around and headed back up the stairs and into my room.

What an eventful night.

* * * *      * * * *.       * * * *.      * * * *.      * * * *

*the next morning* Annie already woke up.

Annie's POV:

"Annie! We're leaving in 5 minutes!" Luke yelled.

He said we were all going to a meeting, something for there band. But we rarely ever talk about stuff like this.

That means it's probably important.

"Ok I'm coming!" I yelled back grabbing my phone and heading for the car.

I got in the backseat with Michael and Calum. And Luke was driving and Ashton was in the passenger seat.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"We are going to a place to have a meeting about important things."Ashton said.

Yep that totally fulfilled my question.

The drive actually wasn't that long compared to what I'm used to. And we had arrived at a tall building.

We all got out of the car and walked in, all the boys walked over to the elevator while I was looking around.

But then I ran over just in time before the doors closed.

Calum pressed floor 50. Dang. I've never been in a building that tall.

When we arrived they all walked out and over to a door at the end of the hall.

"Do you want me to go in with you?" I asked Luke.

"Yes, this is an important meeting that we want you to be apart of." Luke said grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

He opened the door and inside was a big table with about 8 people sitting around it and a sign that said Sounds Live Feels live Tour.

What the hell.


So I hoped you liked it and I prob will be updating once or twice in the next 2 weeks cause of where I'm going.


Love you guys gigi💖💖

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