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From the moment I set eyes on my one and only cub I knew he was special. With his coppery hair and dazzling green eyes I thought you couldn't help but love him. I was wrong. I first heard the whispering that seemed to echo everywhere I went from then on, when two nurses outside the room thought I couldn't hear them. "It's not right the freak, with those ghastly ears in his human form," one nurse a rabbit from the smell of her muttered. This was to be expected I assured myself rabbits had a natural prejudice against foxes. Personally I thought his soft orange ears were very cute and that was all that mattered.
   "Yes and that wormy little tail gives me the creeps," the other nurse agreed and this time it was a lioness which faltered my argument completely. Female lions were arguably the most motherly species, they often cared for other females cubs and were known to adopt inter-species even in the wild. I thought his tail was beautiful the way it twitched in his sleep and wagged when he was happy.  "I'll get rid of them," my husband assured me seeing my aggravation and with his eyes burning with rage himself.

"Don't get too mad Ashton I know what you're like," I whispered hoarsely. He patted my arm and gave me a warm and loving smile. I was so tired but that smile instantly rejuvenated me. He went outside and I turned my attention to the little boy in my arms. "My baby," I cooed softly to his sleeping form. He was so tiny but I was assured that was normal for a baby this premature. He was the only baby to survive from the triplets I was supposed to be having but I tried not to dwell on this as it filled my eyes with tears and my heart with grief.
     When Ash returned his face was filled with worry and that instantly set me on edge. "They've reported him to the council," he growled though past the anger I could see the unmeasurable fear. My heart sank like a brick.
  "They've killed him," I wailed looking down at the baby so small, so fragile, knowing I could not protect him.
 Ash desperately searched for something to possibly say that could comfort me but he knew nothing would. We had just lost two of our babies and now we would undoubtedly lose the third. Finally he asked weakly, "what are we going to call him?"
  "Well I thought maybe Blaze," I suggested a little shyly. It was unusual but so fitting.
"Perfect," he breathed kissing our child delicately on the forehead then he pressed his head to mine. "We don't have long," he whispered hurriedly, "We need to run I know a man who might take him hide him until he is strong enough to be with us again."
 I couldn't stand the thought of letting him go my little Blaze but if it would give him a chance of a real life it would be selfish to deny him that.
  "Let's do it," I decided  instantly regretting it though I knew seeing his life in the hands of the council would break me more.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you too," I said looking deep into those brown eyes and wishing I could just melt into them and make the whole world go away.
 And this was how we began running. Giving Blaze up was the hardest thing I've ever done but the Reed family seemed so nice and I was sure they would protect him. They were all foxes too so he would have all the support and advice he needed and they lived in the middle of nowhere so the council wouldn't look for him there. We also left him a little book explaining everything when he began to ask questions. We  told Reed we would meet up at a certain cafe in their town once a year to check up on Blaze's life. Little did I know this was the last time I would ever see my only child, my little kit. 

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