Chapter 7

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7- I'm not afraid of the big bad wolf
I spent my second day of school shuffling around like a zombie (and yes we have those here.) I was completely exhausted and in a fowl mood so I was hoping for a quiet day. Of course I was not so lucky. The trouble didnt start until lunch time when I was sat with my new found friends trying to use as little energy up as possible. Unfortunately the others had decided they didn't know enough about me and were asking a lot of difficult questions.
"So what was your last school like Blaze. Was it a human school because that would be seriously cool." Lauren asked dreamily.
"Lauren is obsessed with humans," Grace said rolling her eyes.
"No I'm not they're just interesting."
I was unsure how to answer this but I decided the best friendships were built on honesty though I didn't have much experience to backup this theory. "Actually I was home-schooled."
"I bet that was awesome breaks whenever you want and a teacher who actually knows you,"Mark said thoughtfully.
"It was pretty cool, though my teacher was strict and defiantly just in it for the money," I said almost laughing at the memory. Mr Grant had been a squat pop-bellied man who was instantly recognisable as a dwarf. He was a prime example of why dwarves should not shave because under all that hair they are extremely ugly.
"I guess you got a lot of time at home then, what are your family like?" Allister asked.
"Well I'm adopted and I live with a foster family. Jarred and Angela with their son Ben and the other foster child they have Lara." I answered. If they felt uncomfortable with this they didn't show it they just nodded and continued.
"My turn," Kal decided "favourite book?" The others all agreed on this and gave me a 'you better get this right' look.
"Difficult but I'm gonna have to go for the heroes of Olympus series," I said after some thought. (A/N my favourites series team Leo all the way)
They all seemed to agree with this and I decided it was my turn for questions. I was desperate to know what they all were because none of them appeared like the creatures I had come across before. However I had to be subtle somehow I knew that blatantly asking would not go well with these people I doubted they'd like labels.
"So I know Lauren is great at art what are the rest of your...skills?" I said putting emphasis on that last word.
"Swimming," Grace said simply but the others paused for a second just a second but it said it all. Swimming was not just any skill but one that came with her creature.
"Singing," Kal said which was clearly an inside joke because they all smirked.
"Magic," Allister grinned though the others looked at him with wide eyes. That was clever I knew it was because he thought my instant conclusion would be a wizard. I knew of course this was not the case these people were far too unusual to reveal what they were that easily.

Mark was clearly avoiding the question not meeting my eyes but I decided not to push it I already had considerably more information than I had before. Even if I had wanted to push things further I was interrupted by something very solid slamming into my face.
"Ugh," I shouted in surprise and my hand flew to my eye which had to be swelling already.
"Hello again foxy," a smug voice said behind me. I turned around only to find the same guy who had shown me round the day before inspecting his slightly reddened fist. Another twinge of emotion went through me but this was one of repuklsion. I didn't like him laying his hands on me, not one bit. 
"In fact I'm going to call you enigma," he decided inspecting me with those calculating eyes. I was really getting sick of his twisted charisma. 
"What do you want and why the hell did you punch me," I growled not pleased by the interruption.
"You know I like you, you're not afraid to speak your mind not to mention the mystery that surrounds you. It's a shame really but I've also heard you've been a bad boy." He said tutting at me as if I was a puppy that had chewed up his shoe.
"I don't know what your talking about and I really don't appreciate you deciding my business is your business," I snarled trying my best to look fierce and probably failing. The fox in me was defending itself against this larger predator. 
"Oh little enigma what you don't seem to understand is that you've messed with my pack," the guy said a little less charmingly this time and his face hardening slightly.

"I don't even know what your name is let alone who your pack are," I said looking to my friends for a little help but this guy had them shaking in there boots. I turned back to him folding my arms and raising an eyebrow. 
"Oh how rude of me I'm Rald Wolf leader of the Silver Dawn packs younger generation and you've upset my omegas," he said gesturing to the guys who confronted me yesterday. This was not good I had heard of the Silver Dawn they were the dominant pack in the area controlling much of the best land and wolves.
"They upset me first."
"Is that so well I'm sure they're very sorry right boys," he asked pointedly and they all nodded pretty unconvincingly.
"Are you sorry?" He asked me. Not in the slightest
"Not really I didn't do anything I just told the truth."
"That they look like road kill?"
"Okay then just know that I know about the hounds Blaze and they're coming if you don't make some powerful allies soon you'll regret it," he said and wandered of as if he had just made a remark about the weather flanked by the goons.
"That can't be good," I muttered exhausted.
"What was that about," Lauren asked nervously. I was too tired to explain the truth or spin a lie.
"Trust me you do not want to know." She nodded clearly deciding I was probably right. 

A/N hey guys hope you liked this chapter sorry if you are getting impatient to know what Blaze is but he will be shifting very soon I promise.

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