Chapter 2

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2- A friend really?

So I went to form trying to have a positive outlook on things as I so often failed to do. At the door I was greeted by possibly the happiest man I've ever seen.
   "Hi I'm Mr Darren and you must be Blaze how are you I'm great I love school so I am your form tutor and any problems you have you can talk to me about. My group is one big family and I'm sure everyone here will be happy to help you," he said in one big rush.
   "Hi?" I said though it sounded more like a questioning squeak. 
"So first things first I'll get someone to show you around but there is a map on your schedule in case you get lost," he said with a smile which was almost becoming a leer.
  He bustled of and I heard his giddy voice calling for a volunteer which he clearly didn't get judging by the silence so a few minutes later a sullen looking boy stormed out and jerked his head at me. 
  "C'mon," he muttered and stalked of. 
  I decided to follow though it was probably not the smartest thing I ever did. He gestured to wings of classrooms as he went along and telling me which subject they belonged to. Then when we had reached a rather ominous looking corner he stopped abruptly.
  "What are you,"he asked curiously as he come uncomfortably close trying to smell me. I had been afraid of this, though I was just a fox shifter despite my ears and tail I had a rather different scent. It had the usual fox musk and natural shifter scent but mixed in was a slight smoky scent and something unrecognisable. I had worn a lot of deodorant and aftershave to combat this but there was no getting past some curious noses.
"A f-fox shifter," I stuttered stepping back.
"Sort of but not quite," he pondered with a smirk,  looking me up and down watching my every move. I was feeling very uncomfortable, his intense stare was seriously disconcerting. 
I did sort of look like a fox with my long coppery hair and grass green eyes even if my body betrayed me.  It's scrawny frame and thin breakable appearance countered the usual fox look, most foxes were small yes but they were toned at least, I had no meat on my bones despite eating enough for an elephant. My skin as well was not the usual sandy colour but instead more like I had been dipped in cream. 
   "What are you," I asked trying to change the subject.
"Can't you smell?" He asked and I realised I had made an obvious mistake. My ears naturally twitched a response to my fear. I'd have to be more careful with my emotions if I was going to stay. 

"Yeah just making conversation," I saved.
"Well I'm a biomorph werewolf in any case," he said and walked off.
  "Of course you are," I muttered trailing after him my head down trying not to draw attention. There were many different types of werewolf the biomorph was a huge muscular wolf that usually lived in a pack and could change when they wanted. Though no as unpredictable as a lycanthrope wolf they still scared the hell out of me. Some werewolves also had powers these did not other than their heightened strength and senses in their human form. 
When we got back we did personality quizzes possibly my worst nightmare and had to sit next to our closest match. The questions were things like "What are your favourite subjects," and "do you have any hobbies."
   I decided I wasn't remotely interested in doing the quiz I put stupid answers. "My favourite subject is anything but this," "My hobby is laughing at dumb quizzes." We did it amongst ourselves so mr smiles for miles wouldn't be checking my answers anyway.
  There was one person in the room who's quiz resembled mine who had put for each question a reason why they didn't like quizzes or Mr Darren. "Hi I'm Lauren," she said casually.
  "I'm Blaze," I replied.

"That's a cool name."
"I'm a cool guy," I replied though where that came from I had no idea. I was in fact far more geekish than captain of the football team or whatever. 

"I like you," she said though it sounded critical. Just like the guy earlier she watched me as if trying to complete a tricky puzzle. However she did not look like she was seizing up my worth which I was thankful for. She was more warily analysing me than anything. Still though she radiated nothing but confidence and charisma. 
"Err thanks?"
"No problem ."
Lauren was different. I knew that from the start she spoke a little erratically and dressed in a way that said "I don't care and why should I?" Her pale blue jeans were old and ripped in a non-purposeful way but she wore them like a medal. Her shirt was creased from no doubt sitting on the floor all night and accompanied by a red jacket that was not socially acceptable if worn by anyone but her. Her hair was black with golden streaks and pulled haphazardly into a ponytail. I desperately wanted to ask her what sort of creature she was because I could tell it was something unusual but that would raise questions about my own identity I didn't want to answer. 
  "You're cute you know, too bad I'm a lesbian or it would be your lucky day." She said so casually it shocked me. She had just told me a complete stranger her sexual orientation without the bat of an eyelid. Being gay was a touchy subject too in the supernatural world I mean most of it's inhabitants were born centuries ago so our society was pretty behind with dictators and hate crimes against anyone different being the norm. It was the reason I hid if people new my secret I would be outed and hunted down. It made me trust her more but for reasons unknown I felt a twinge of worry thinking about the subject. 
"Oh relax I know your not going to look pretty good at keeping secrets," she said and winked!" My hand instantly flew to my hat but I found not a hair astray. She just grinned at me and I smiled too.
"You wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch," she asked suddenly a smile spreading across her face. That was easier than I expected maybe I'd actually made a friend. I certainly wouldn't mind the company. 
   "Sure," I grinned. 

A/N hi I thought I ought to try one of these so hey this is me I'm not going to tell you my real name (that would be most likely dangerous) so you can just call me ginger everyone else does. Quick disclaimer I have nothing against gay people I just think that with vampires and werewolves that probably live to a ripe old age due to their constant exercise would have old fashioned views and their society would be behind ours (and in a lot of countries we still don't have equal rights for the LGBT community). I mean until recently the we didn't even have gay marriage so I yeah that's my argument on that point. But anyway enough ranting I haven't ever gotten much feedback on wattpad so comments good and bad are appreciated and votes even more so. 

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