Chapter 6

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6- Night terrors
I plunged through the forest my heart racing. I had no regard for the branches stinging my face and the wind chilling me to the bone I just knew I had to run. I could hear the creatures thundering hooves behind me drawing closer and closer it didn't matter how fast I went I knew they would catch me, the important thing was to get as far away from the school as possible . My fur flew around my face making it harder to see and I tripped on a tree root that snaked out menacingly. I could see the hounds now bearing down on me, they were gargantuan with dagger-like teeth held in taunt leering grins and grossly muscular frames that held an aura of demonic power not helped by their glowing red eyes that sent a shiver down my spine. The monstrous horses were not far behind snorting and stamping their feet impatient for the kill and the men on their backs were no better cheering on their dogs and gearing at me. I dragged my useless legs behind me as I tried to escape screaming in fear and frustration that this is how I would die and as the beasts leapt on me I made one last sickening bellow and heard my name over and over ringing in my ears before...

    I woke with a start bolting straight upright in bed shaking in shock and relief telling myself over and over it wasn't real. My whole body was covered in a sheath of clammy sweat and it made me gasp for air feeling like I was being clutched in a pair of cold dead hands. I heard wheezing screams but the thought they were my own didn't come to me as all I could see even as I scrunched my eyes up was a pair of red eyes. I was wrapped in my sheets tried desperately to escape thrashing wildly but there was no way to free myself. I gasped for breath as I felt like  the hands were now squeezing the air out of my lungs and I clawed at my throat trying to remove whatever was obstructing my airways.  

   And then the music came and I instantly relaxed. It drifted over me like a warm breeze stripping the dead hands from me and allowing me to breath the cool night air once again. The noises around me sharpened with the cries of terror no longer blocking my hearing. 
   "There you are Champ, it's alright all over now," Jarred whispered soothingly next to me but knowing not to touch me at this point or I would most likely try to fight of an invisible attacker again .
   He only ever called me champ if I had an episode which always made me feel terrible. Jarred had never asked for me, a second hand son and he had never expected a damaged package.  He already had Benny his real son and he had to focus his attention on me the "special case." I had, had panic attacks from a young age but over the past year the night terrors started which only made things worse. It was very hard to wake me when these things started and only one song would end my panic attacks. It was an old Irish song about a mysterious creature called the puca that haunted coastal and rural villages. It offered both  it's wisdom to the brave and pure of heart and took revenge on the corrupt and those who had wronged it. Parts of the tale were actually pretty dark but the animal seemed so noble and mysterious I somehow related to it. I longed with all my heart to meet one. 
   "It's me I'm here again," I said with a slight tremor in my voice. It was the thing I always said after an incident because the wretched thing I became during the time was not me but all the worst parts of something locked away deep inside me that I didn't understand or know. This had been the most vivid nightmare yet nothing like the past I never even saw the hounds until today but I always knew they were there. This was disturbing it made me feel like whatever this manifested from was nearing me which was a very alarming thought. 
    He told me the time as he always did. Quarter past 5 a new record normally I would be me again by 5 meaning either the dream was longer or the panic attack and I didn't know which was a nastier idea. I apologised to Jarred who had the same deep purple bags under his eyes as me but as usual he told me it was fine and he was there for me. I knew I wasn't getting any more sleep and got up and got ready for school. 

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