Chapter 3

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3- Confrontation

 Since Lauren and I had art together I gratefully sat next to her. Our teacher seemed alright if a little away with the faries.   We had to draw ourselves as an animal which was easy for the shifters and wolves but a little more tricky for the other sups.  Since I hadn't shifted yet so had no idea what my fox would look like so I decided to go abstract and draw a small fox with golden fur and white paws and have it in the classic fairytale meadow. The teacher was very pleased with my work saying it was "inspired" and "unique." However Lauren far surpassed me with her her gorgeous pen drawing of a hummingbird. I asked her if that was how she imagined herself but she said she just liked hummingbirds. So I got no more information about her species which was still irking me. Foxeds are curious creatures after all. 
   So the dreaded lunch time rolled around but now I had Lauren to sit with the situation seemed less daunting. I had a lunch packed so didn't need to bother queuing for food and we sat in a comfortable little corner away from the bustling nature of the room.  "Hey guys this is Blaze the new kid," Lauren introduced me as I sat down. 
   "This is Grace the excitable one," Lauren said gesturing to a willowy blonde girl who gave me a huge smile. 
  "This is Katie the tomboy," she said pointing to a brunette wearing a hoodie and jeans with a baseball cap. The girl rolled her eyes at her name. 
  "Don't call me Katie I've told them I like Kal but they never listen," she complained though she smiled at Lauren. 
  "Okay Kal, this is Grace's annoying boyfriend Mark," she said ruffling the stocky guys mousey hair causing him to scowl. 
"And this sunflower is Allister," she said affectionately, gesturing to a beaming guy with startling blue eyes and raven black hair.
"Hey cutie just call me Ally," he said causing me to blush. I was annoyingly prone to getting embarrassed blushes and with my pale skin it was all too noticeable.  Again there I got a strange twinge of emotion but this time it was annoyance. 
  "So how are you enjoying this madhouse," Grace asked pleasantly.

"It's pretty cool I was kinda nervous earlier but you guys all seem great."
"Aw I like him he's so small and adorable," Allister squealed. Annoyance again, perhaps it was from my suppressed spirit fox. 
"Eh thanks?"
"Oh ignore him he's such a flirt ," Katie chuckled. 
"I'm just being friendly," he argued. 

"Anyway  what do you have later," Mark asked.
"English and gym," I said with distaste, I was trying my best not to think about it. 

A/N this is so annoying because I just wrote about 400 more words (twice the amount already written grr) for this chapter and it didn't save for some reason. Oh woe is me. I am going to write a summary of what happened I hope that doesn't make me lazy. :(

So Blaze has gym and English with Grace and Allister though he says he ha an old leg injury so won't be participating in gym. This is from his previous attack with the werewolves and he has a note from Jarred though it's really to get him out of is the getting changed which would undoubtedly reveal his ears and tail.
  So then some big guys omega wolves Blaze guesses come over and start hassling them. His friends are all scared of the bullies but Blaze cleverly talks his way out of the situation. I'll rewrite this part because I was pretty pleased with it. This is where Blaze starts to grow a backbone and stop being the underdog

"Hey freaks whose the new member of your sad little group," the hairiest and biggest member of the group (presumably the leader) spat.
"I'm Blaze and you are uglier than road kill," I said coolly. My friends looked horrified and the bullies shocked but I just smirked.
"A wise guy. How about we teach him a lesson boys," the behemoth boy growled. These had to be werewolves and definitely omegas no high ranking pack member was this ugly or aggressive. This was the opposite to submissive wolves in the wild who were fearful and docikle. However these guys made up for their weaker wolves with extra anger and intimidation. They knew as long as people feared them they wouldn't be mocked for being the weak links in the pack. Its sad really I suppose.  
  "I wouldn't do that if I were you. See I'm the new kid so all eyes are on me. If there is a single mark on my body it's going to get noticed," I countered smoothly.

"You think we're scared of a bunch of teachers," the leader scoffed. 
"No but if your alpha got word that members of his pack were tarnishing it's reputation by picking on an innocent fox you'd be in serious trouble," I said crossing my arms and grinning. 
  This rattled them and not wanting to admit defeat the leader growled and stalked of his goons in toe. "What just happened."
"That was awesome."
"How did you know what to say."
"I've had run ins with crazy canines before and they are all just terrified of their superiors," I told them which was indeed something I had learnt over the years of isolation I had spent reading and watching far too many documentaries.

  "I like this guy," Mark said.
"Agreed," the other 4 chimed in.
I hoped the rest of the day would go this well!

A/N sorry guys I feel as much annoyance you do but keep those comments rolling if you're not too mad ;) 

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