Chapter 30

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  30- two announcements

We were going back to the Cabin today and a torrent of emotions whirled through my mind. On the one hand I was overjoyed that I would get to see my friends again. On the other hand who knew if they would all be there, I couldn't stand to lose anyone else. 

    It was a grand send of by the elf clan who were very welcoming. They were pleased to meet us three skin changers because we were such powerful forces of nature. Van and I were especially fascinating it seems with our love bond and they asked us lots of questions about how we got together. It was actually a little difficult to leave such a peaceful carefree place but it had to be done. 
   "Bye, we'll visit soon." Mark called to his uncle who was head of the clan. 
"See you soon. Oh and take care of that girl Mark she's a keeper," the jolly old elf winked at Grace who giggled. 
   "Come on lovebirds we've got people to meet," Amaya grinned and together we plunged through another hole in space. 
   We fell out the other side into the living room of the cabin. I was instantly delighted to see many faces smiling down at us and I knew instantly that all was well. 
    "Did you do it, did you beat them," I asked eagerly. 
"The council have been disbanded and their base was destroyed. Things will be crazy for a little while but I'm sure whatever comes next will be better," Kal said with a warm smile. It was something she didn't do often and it suited her. 
  "On that note I have an announcement," Lauren beamed and she took Kal's hand.
"No," Grace gasped in astonishment. 
"It was about time," Ally said cheerfully. 
"You knew?"
"Of course, it was kind of obvious."
"And you didn't freaking tell me," Grace asked incredulously punching Ally with a scolding look. 
   "Enough violence, let us come together and celebrate," Melody decided and everyone agreed. 
We spent much of that night partying and generally horsing around (In Van's case literally). There was music, more food than even the immortals could eat in a lifetime and plenty of games. As I sat in bed that night with a golden eyed cat sleeping next to me I couldn't help feeling happier than I ever had before. 

A/N this is not the end guys but we're getting close. There's just one more thing I need to clear up...

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