Chapter 17

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17- I like to make an entrance

 We rolled up to the gates in style. Literally in my case. The skateboard was a little trickier than I thought but by the time I got to the entrance I could keep myself steady, using my back-right leg to push me along. Along the way Donovan showed me some of his other forms he didn't have them all yet he informed me but was getting the hang of it. My favourite apart from the unbroken mustang was was a regal looking crow that looked on me with wisdom I knew neither Donovan or I had. He opted to trot next to me as a horse for the entry though so that was how we went the fox and the horse unlikely companions.

  People stared as we went past,  parting like the red sea as we passed I had to admit it must have been quite a sight. It wasn't like shifters didn't shift in school for those who couldn't control it they spent the first year popping in and out of animal form everywhere they went we were just doing it a bit later. Donovan had enrolled as my cousin so we could stick together closely and not raise eyebrows since nobody knew I was adopted so going for foster brother wouldn't work. 
    I scanned the grey jungle with concrete grass and vast expanses of leg trees and spotted my friends who were watching but probably didn't recognise me at a distance. " Van over here," I gestured and he nodded looking at my friends with interest. 
   "Blaze! Is that you oh my God you look so sweet as a little fox I just want to eat you up," Grace squealed. I could have sworn that a flash of anger flared in Donovan's eyes but it was gone before I could investigate further. 
  "And who is this with you I've not seen him around." Allister asked. 
This was going to be tricky I wasn't ready to change back yet and my body was unlikely to let that happen either so talking was going to be an issue. I could do my mind diffusion but that would instantly oust me nope Donovan would have to talk even if it was going to look odd a horse speaking English.

"Go on then introduce yourself," I hissed. He raised an eyebrow (hard to do as a horse) but proceeded to transform and be a little more sociable. 
  "Sup I'm Donovan but its long and boring  so nicknames are good with me. I'm Blaze's cousin though as you can see I got all the hot and he got all the small and skinny." I could see a smile in his eyes which irritated me a little so I bit his leg. Not hard and there were thick socks blocking most of the tooth to the attack but still enough to send a message. 
"Hey watch it," he growled but there was little anger in his tone, more amusement if anything which made me more mad but this time I just rolled my eyes. 
  "Okay your a smart ass but if Blaze likes you, you must be cool in some way, oh and he definitely got all the adorable." Lauren said and I yipped a thanks making everyone laugh. I realised now that I had my fox senses they all smelled very interesting yet I still couldn't identify any of them they all had complex scents with things in them I did recognise but lots I didn't.
   "Blaze could I possibly pick you up. I know it's kind of weird but you look really soft and I've always wanted to pet a fox," Lauren asked anxiously. I considered this, on the one hand if I did let her I would look like a purse puppy but on the other she had asked nicely and I couldn't sink much further credibility wise.
I nodded and she lifted me of the ground gently letting the others stroke my fur as they gushed about how soft it was. The whole time Donovan watched them carefully and me even more so with an almost protective look about him. I gave him a questioning look but he just shrugged still not communicating. 
  I had completely forgotten about Rald over the past few days what with all the excitement  but he certainly hadn't forgotten about me. He was waiting as I entered the room by my desk with the usual smug grin plastered on his face. Donovan was now a small black rabbit nestled in my bag on top of my coat (which Lauren had kindly carried in for me) he couldn't come inside as a horse and there was nowhere to change without being seen so this seemed the best option as it was his smallest form at the current moment. If he changed from one animal to another people would get the inkling that he wasn't just a shifter, something that we couldn't afford. Unfortunately some people had annoying abilities to expose secrets. 

   "Hello little enigma mysterious as ever I see, who is your friend," Rald said in his usually smooth-smug voice. I heard a squeak from my bag as poor Donovan realised he had been discovered. His rabbit instincts would not have enjoyed being so close to a large predator. 
"That would be Donovan," I sighed Knowing he couldn't hear me. "Come out Don there's no use sitting in there now." He huffed but hopped out of the bag onto my desk.
   "Ooh another oddity! Birds of a feather I guess," he sniggered. I really wanted to bite him at that moment but Lauren gave me a meaningful 'it's what he wants' look.
   "Now why can't I see you properly," Rald asked in surprise.
  Donovan the rabbit thumped his foot in irritation."That's Donovan, you've had your fun now push off," she growled.
"Why so protective Lauren you know you can't order me around unless you want people to know about your flaming hot secret," he grinned. He was good I'd give him that he seemed to have something on everyone. 
   "Your forgetting I know something about you," she growled tapping the side of her nose. 
  His smile faltered but he quickly recovered.
   "Fine but Donovan wants to talk to me I'm sure." I shook my head but Donovan surprised me. He looked around to check nobody else was watching and changed from the rabbit taking a seat beside me. 
   "Maybe you don't want me to talk. Got your physic abilities sorted then I see," he said.I sent him a picture of a werewolf via my mental diffusion to correct him. Biomorph wolves did not have powers. 
"A very familiar scent you have there," Donovan said gnashing his teeth. Now that he said it I did know that scent from somewhere.
   "Very clever Donovan I look forward to watching your story I imagine it will be very interesting," he said before swaggering off. 
"What the hell was all that about," I asked.
   "Lets see when he gets it," Donovan said to Lauren amusement dancing in his golden eyes.
  I thought back this guy was a bully, smelled weird, had a strange obsession with me and my friends, was a leader among his kind and...what was I missing. Wait! And he predicted the incident.
   "That future knowing mutt I ought to skin him for not telling me I was going to be ripped from limb to limb by a bunch of snivelling dogs," I roared .
   "And the penny drops. You know its interesting a Blue Merle  is the head of a pack I wonder how he inherited that position," Donovan thought aloud.
   "He killed the last leader duh. Not a nice man I heard but he hardly qualifies he doesn't have a mate either. A pack without an alpha female is bound to run wild," Lauren tutted. I saw a glint in Donovan's eye and knew exactly what he was thinking.
  "Don't you dare! You are not playing matchmaker with Lara and Rald he'll be terrible for her!"
"No she will beat him to a bloody pulp if he sets one toe out of line."
 "I don't care I am not going to family reunions if that jerk will be there!"
"Do as you wish it will happen anyway," Donovan chuckled. 
  "Why couldn't he see your future anyway."
"I'm a creature of mystery and surprise attacks I can't have people seeing me coming."
"This is a lot of new information for one day."

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