Chapter 19

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19- Training timeBlaze's fox above ^

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19- Training time
Blaze's fox above ^

I plopped myself down in the cool grass my skin sweaty my forehead as hot as a frying pan. "This," I panted "had better be worth it!"

We were in a learning in the middle of a forest in the middle of nowhere. After I refused to shadow hop with Donovan I had to hike/run around five miles in the scorching heat. I stared up at the clear blue sky and the swollen sun that throbbed like a lamp about to blink out. It was around mid afternoon on a Friday, meaning I was ravenous and very thirsty from the journey. The others soon appeared and sat down next to me looking considerably better for their travels. Grace had swam up the river that runs through the area, Lauren and Kal flew, Allister commandeered a few drones and hitched a lift, while Mark rode in on a stag looking very majestic. 
   "Will somebody tell me what we're doing here," I asked wearily. 
"We are all doing some power training. You and Donovan could do with the practice and we just enjoy letting loose for a while. There is everything we need here and a cabin we own nearby where we can stay. It was a good thing I had informed Jarred and Angela I'd be staying with my friends for the weekend then. It was a bank holiday so we would have three days to do as we wished. 
   "First things first Blaze we're going to try to find some more of your powers and hone the ones you already have, Okay?"
"We are going to try and find out what kitsune you are," Grace squealed in excitement.
"There are types."
Donovan answered this time. "Yeah there are thirteen Kaze (Wind), Chikyu (Earth), Kasai (Fire), Kawa (River), Tengoku (Heaven), Sanda (Thunder), Yama (Mountain), Kukan (Void), Seishin (Spirit), Jikan (Time), Mori (Forest), Umi (Ocean), and Ongaku (Music). Each kitsune specialists in one of these elements some being considered more powerful than others. For example the basic elements like wind, river, fire, earth etc are less powerful than say a Tengoku. Got it."
"I think so. Though I don't like the sounds of some of those."
"And you shouldn't spirit and void foxes have known to be very troublesome and often downright evil. Spirit foxes can be plagued all there lives from voices from beyond though so I think you're probably safe on that account."
"Fine lets get started."
  They told me to stand in the center of the clearing and brace myself. I didn't like the sound of that at all but I did so nonetheless. I watched as they lined up in front of me and readied themselves getting things out of pockets and worryingly prepping weapons. 
   Before I knew what was happening a ball of fire was sent my way from a smug looking dragon. I squealed in fear and ducked just in time for the thing to go sailing over my head. "Nope next!"
I tried to protest but I got as far as a weak "wait," before an arrow was shot two feet in front of me. A huge plant erupted from the place where the arrow had landed and promptly grabbed me. I struggled to control panic gripping me as I really didn't want to have a panic attack. I could hear Van arguing with the others about what they were doing but they ignored him and concentrated on torturing me. Suddenly shadow engulfed me and the plant was gone. For once I actually didn't mind shadow jumping and I ended up along with Van in a patch of trees just a few meters away. 
   "Are you alright," he asked looking wide eyed and fearful as he assessed me for injury. I was touched by how worried he was about me. Beneath his gruff outer shell, and mysterious inner shell there were emotions I didn't often see. His ebony hair gleamed in the sunlight which also made his strange gold eyes dance showing me a brighter version of his usual cloaked self. 

   "I'm fine,"I breathed clutching his arm as a sort of rock to ground me. 

"If you want me to take you home I will. I might pass out though..."
"It's fine honestly Van, I'm okay," I reassured him. I knew the others were just doing what they had to do to help me even if it had gotten out of hand. 
 "Well we're going to do things differently this time." He stared at me for a few moments longer and I watched him back shifting a little uncomfortably under his intense stare. Did I look that bad? He soon snapped out of it though  and we returned to the clearing where everyone looked a little guilty. They apologized and I brushed it off saying we should get on with it. 

    This time they explained to me exactly what they were going to do each time they did it so I had time to mentally prepare myself. Lauren was up first singing a phoenix song used to overwhelm any listener. If I controlled sound or music like a Ongaku then I wouldn't be affected. 

I failed miserably at this test I couldn't even block out one note of the music. The song was so emotional that I broke down in tears and had to be handed a handkerchief by Lauren who apparently always carried one for cases like these.  
   Donovan was up next and with the help of Grace he created a small waterspout (tornado made of water. He was about to send it my way when a drawling voice sounded behind me. "Well, well little enigma what trouble have I found you in this time."
I turned around and glared at the arrogant wolf. "Rald interfering with private matters as usual I see. I suggest you leave before we make you."
  "No, no Blaze these aren't private affairs because you see this property is in my packs territory." I didn't know how we had made that mistake and I also didn't care. 
"Sucks to your territory I'm not a wolf."
"No but you see, you are a canine shifter of sorts so you still have to obey the rules of the local pack or be reported to the council." I looked to the others for help and while Van joined me leaving Grace to control the water everyone else was spooked. Fine I'll deal with this. 
  "What do you want Rald," I snapped. 
"To watch, simply that. Maybe then I can solve the mystery that surrounds you." Donovan seethed next to be and before I could stop him he grabbed Rald's arm. 
"Leave he," said and a low rumble trembled through the ground. A flash of fear lit Rald's eyes as he stared past Van to something behind him. 
   I looked and nearly screeched in shock when I saw the waterspout had turned into a 20 foot high wall of water that was barreling towards us. Rald being a blue merle wolf,  meant he was feeding the moons strength into Van, who blinded by anger had used the power to aim the tidal wave at Rald. Unfortunately it would surely engulf all three of us. 
   I braced myself for the impact of the wave but it never came. The noises around me ceased and I looked up in surprise. 
Everything was frozen in the same instance I'd closed my eyes!

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