Chapter 26

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Red. That was all I could see. The battlefield was coated in scarlet droplets and it made me want to puke. Most of the blood was thick and dark the blood of dark creatures but some shone in the early morning sun, the blood of creatures with great magic. 
    Watching Nova work was like watching a hurricane whiz back and worth. She seemed to have the ability to move through space freely and was therefore doing what could only be described as teleporting. One moment she'd bite a hellhound in the flank and the next she'd be on the opposite side of the river bank throwing the huntsmen of the back of their demon horses. I asked at one point why she didn't just stop time and tie everyone up while they were frozen. It seemed to me a less violent way of going about things. However I was informed stopping time too much in a short period had ripple effects like increases in the difference of time zones which would get noticed. That made me feel a little selfish and I mostly stayed quiet after that. 
   From my view I could see the entire clearing and I was sure to check on my friends as much as possible. Mark and Allister were currently working together as were Van and Grace and Kal and Lauren. It was comforting to see they all had back up. Obviously the ones who could control the elements had joined forces but Allister and Mark were a different story.  Allister had carolled lots of large vehicles from car to quad bike and was setting them against the huge Cruor shires. Meanwhile Mark summoned many animals from the forest namely birds of prey which dive bombed the animals in the hunt scratching at their faces in the attempt to blind them. 
     It was actually going pretty well...spoke too soon.  Nova cursed and whipped her head up which startled me as I tried to focus on what she was looking at. Suddenly though it was not hard to miss. Hundreds upon hundreds of huge wolves were appearing from the tree-lines with great howls and the thunder of their huge paws. The werewolf packs in the area had obviously gotten wind of the fight and had come to help. These were all either biomorph wolves (larger than a regular wolf and able to change outside the moon) and wolf shifters who had joined the werewolf packs as honorary members.  
   With this new back up brought new life to the weary huntsmen and suddenly my friends were getting pushed together. 
   "There's too many of them," Lauren cried and she swooped around trying to rain fire on the wolves. It worked against the wolf shifters who having a lot of their wild instincts were irrationally scared of the flames, however the biomorphs were unperturbed. I knew we were surrounded without hope as I'm sure the rest of the rebellion but we refused to back down. 
   My heart leaped into my throat as a familiar whinny sounded but this time it was filled with fear. Van had been cornered by a group of huntsmen who had surrounded him with their horrid horses and were trying to capture him. Between them they held a thin black rope which I could tell was not made of any naturally occurring material. From the way the shadows swarmed around each strand and how the light seemed to fall into it I could tell that it was the hair of Puca. Probably of the many that had fallen to the hunt. Though this time they wanted their prey to live. 
    "We have to help him," I screamed at Nova who seemed to be in equal torment about his capture but she was surrounded by too many enemies to help him. 
   I wished, prayed, begged for some help, for something to tip the balance in our favour. After all we had been through it couldn't end like this. Then slowly but surely I felt a pull.  I felt something calling to me. It felt like the call for freedom a zoo animal would feel when its cage door is suddenly opened. 
  I grasped onto that feeling and implored "please whatever you are, help me, help us." All my strength left me in one wave that hit me like a brick wall. My vision began to ebb away but before I fell into unconsciousness I saw three blinding lights and a somehow familiar smiling face. 

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