Chapter 4

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4- PE problems
"What do you mean I still have to get changed," I asked incredulously. All my worst fears had come true. I was currently facing of with a gruff man in his forties who had just told me the school had a policy that during gym you had to wear the school kit even if you weren't taking part.
"I meant exactly what I said kid," he growled plainly getting sick of my arguments.
  "I don't have my kit," I said in relief thinking I had got past his rule.

  "No problem you can borrow it," he said with triumph.
"B-B-B," I stuttered.
"If you don't like it kid you can always just shift," he said to which I lowered my head in shame my face blushing tomato red. 
"I can't shift," I mumbled.

"Ah I'm sorry kid there's really nothing I can do you're just going to have to figure a way round whatever problem you're having."
  He walked away and I was left broken and terrified. Another pang of emotion this time it felt like I was calling out for someone to comfort me.  How was I going to hide my tail my ears might be okay but concealing my tail as I changed was going to be impossible. I retreated to the farthest corner of the room where  packs of the kit were neatly stacked and plucked one out. I cast my eyes round the room and found all the guys paying little attention to those around them as they chatted excitedly about their first day back.

   "What's wrong  Blaze," Allister asked coming over after seeing my distress. Again I felt a twinge of emotion this time anger. Like he wasn't the right person to be comforting me. I had no clue what to say, I was confused and scared now. I wanted to scream in frustration, why did my life have to be so complicated?
   Just as I was about to have burst into tears I was saved by two boys by the looks (and stench) of things a troll and a Berserker started a fight. All the boys in the room rushed to watch the fight forming a ring around them that moved through to the gym as the two fighters rolled around on the floor. I took the opportunity to quickly pull on some hideous looking tracksuit bottoms and by the time the fight was over I was fully changed and went through to watch in the stands of the hall.
   It was an everyday occurrence for fights to break out with so many powerful and hormonal teens in one building it was to be expected. But some creatures were more prone to violence than others and Berserker's were one of the meanest. They of course as with all non-body changing creatures looked completely human until there body released a certain chemical usually during high emotional periods and they grew fangs like a vampire, grew in size like a troll or all manner of other changes occurred. 
     I was not a sport person and quickly grew bored of watching the kids chase a basketball around the court. The game was very one sided as all the werewolves and dog shifters had been drafted to one team and they were by far the most ball orientated . The cats really weren't bothered about playing at all and wandered round the court sluggishly while those other species on their team complained about their lack of effort. The vampires were fiercely competitive though there weren't lots of them since most teenage vamps had given up on school after a few hundred years. 
   While they shouted and pelted around I pulled out my notebook and began to doodle absent-mindedly. I looked back after a few minutes to see a black horse hiding in the shadows of the treeline of a forest.  Recently I  drew foxes or a horse even if I set out to draw something else and they were always unusual in some way so I just gave up and let the pencil do what it wanted. 
   It felt like an age before school finally ended for the day and I embarked on the journey home. I looked back on the day and all in all I felt it had gone pretty well. I had made friends and unfortunately enemies, avoided being found out and had a fun time doing it. All in all I was quite looking forward to tomorrow. 
A/N hey people sorry this was kind of a filler chapter but the next one will be far more exciting I promise. And yes there is literally a policy at my school to say if you aren't doing PE you still have to wear the kit weird right! So tell me what you think in the comments. :)

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