Chapter 11

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11- Mental diffusion
  I explained everything that had happened to me and Ben seemed to have very few answers and only more alarming statements like you know you have your human eyes as a fox and, you don't have a fox accent to your voice you know. I was relieved when Jarred and Angela finally arrived after a begrudging phone call since it was difficult to dial a phone with paws instead of hands. 
   "Oh my God Blaze you scared us half to death how are you," Angela said fussing and flapping like a chicken (yep I still hadn't eaten and was fantasising about food). I gave a little cub-like yak sound ( A/N I looked it up foxes make some cool sounds) like 'can't talk fox remember.'
    "Where have you been," Jarred asked incredulously. I shrugged my small shoulders and spun in a circle.
  "Around seriously?" He growled and I whined a little at his tone but it was a valid point. I guess my instincts kind of took over.
   "Have you found your fox," Angela asked anxiously she knew I had been worried about this. I shook my head but flicked my tail showing my nonchalance to the subject though this inability to speak was getting exhausting. 
    "Your okay with it?" I nodded. 
   Jarred suddenly clapped his hand to his head, "Have you given him anything to eat or drink?" He asked Ben hurriedly. Finally we were getting somewhere!
  Ben shook his head earning him a disapproving frown from Jarred meanwhile Angela fetched some cold cuts from the fridge. I wolfed (I never liked that term) the food down and then lapped greedily at a bowl of water all of which disappeared in under a minute. The food tasted... well if your human imagine the best thing you've ever tasted then forget it because it couldn't have been anywhere good as this. Food tastes so much better with animal taste buds it dances in your mouth each different food creating a different sensation. 
 "I remember my first food as a fox, spiders I might add taste surprisingly good," Jarred chuckled. Okay I hope to never be that hungry in fox form. 
 "Has err...anything unusual happened to you as a fox," Angela said nervously. I remembered what had happened earlier with the paw incident and desperately wanted to relate the event but there was no way I could. I had been a fox for half a day and the language barrier was already proving a challenge. I wish I had telepathy like werewolves and shifters do in the movies but this was real life and it sucked. Being able to show people what you wanted in their minds would be so useful and I almost grew angry at my inability to talk yet another vulnerability to add to the list. 
   All of a sudden my foster parents let out cries of confusion and fear. "What the hell was that," Jarred cried shaking his head as if trying to clear it of a fog. 
   "What happened," Lara who had been skulking in the corner until now shouted. Lara had her faults but she was nothing if not loyal. 
   "It was like I had a memory of something in my head but it wasn't mine almost like watching a video,"Angela said shakily. Could it be?
  "What was the err video of?"
"It was...I don't know it was hard to distinguish there was a couple, a wounded paw and something wasn't right about it."
  That was new. I didn't doubt it of all the weird things that had happened that day this was probably the easiest to explain. I wanted to get my message across and my brain did the rest simple as that. I made a high pitch barking sound drawing everyone's attention. I thought back to when I first shifted envisioning the moment in specific detail my emotions, the sounds, the smells, the sights and then I released the memory outwards at all the people in the room. There was an instant reaction.
  "Blaze it's you," Jarred whispered staring into something that wasn't there as he watched the scene play over in his head. 
   "It's stronger this time I can see more, feel more I know it's you," Angela breathed in awe. 
"You're no ordinary fox Blaze, I'll give you that," Lara said. 
   We lapsed into silence for a while after that and eventually people excused themselves for various reasons and I was left alone. "What should I do Know?" I asked aloud as if the kitchen utensils would start giving me advice and then we'd sing a song about it like the Disney movies. I trotted up to my room and sat in front of my mirror for a good long while.
   I couldn't get over how strange it was. The animal in the mirror wasn't me but yet it was more me than I'd ever felt. I still had my coppery hair it was just coarser and highlighted with brown. I still had my grass green eyes which should have been the amber eyes of a fox. Strangest of all I still had some features from my human form a white patch on my shoulder like the birthmark I had as a human, scars from all the injuries over the years (and there had been many), even my freckles still existed in slightly darker speckles of fur here and there. I was still abnormally small  and skinny with dainty legs which anyone could snap like a wishbone. I did have some mean looking teeth though like tiny diamonds standing to attention. My claws too were not to be looked down upon glossy black like a ravens beak they clicked on the ground as I walked along with menace. In all it's glory my tail finally stood in it's rightful place a lot bushier than in my human form probably because it wasn't trapped under my clothes. I still felt there was one thing that wasn't right however.

        My tail felt tight, I hadn't noticed it at first but over the course of the day as things got weirder and weirder my tail felt like it was being squeezed. It was a similar feeling to clenching your fist really tight and knowing you would have to let go I did.
   My tail folded out like a peacocks into three smaller tails all with one definitive mark on them. The first was just a white spot, the second a small Japanese symbol for the letter K though how I knew that I had no idea and finally the third symbol was three circles all curled up together like a snake. I didn't know what to make of all this or what it meant but I knew for certain it was another piece of a puzzle that I did not have the picture for but the image was becoming more and more apparent.

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