Chapter 5

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5- Bullies and Beasts in my house
  When I got home Jarred and Angela were waiting anxiously in the kitchen. "How was it," Jarred asked nervously. It was nice to know they cared so much but sometimes their persistance  to know every detail of my life was exasperating. 
   "It was brilliant  I made some friends, didn't get noticed too much and had a lot of fun doing it," I assured them excitedly (I decided not to tell them about the near gym fiasco). 
   "That's brilliant honey I'm cooking your favourite Dinner to celebrate," Angela said with relief. 
  As a fox I had a taste for chicken. I hated when people tried to cover it up with garlic, herbs or breadcrumb, no I liked roast chicken. It didn't really matter what with but dessert had to be apple pie! It was something that everyone enjoyed so I usually got my wish when it came to food. The worst thing about being a fox however was that chocolate gave me kind of an upset stomach so I couldn't take part in any of the hype around it. 
   "I'm proud of you, you made a big step today... your mother and father would be proud," Jarred said with serious delicacy on the last part.  A child can imagine many more ways to blame themselves than an adult can and I really didn't want to know anything worse than what I already thought about my parents. Still I always wondered what happened to them. 
  "Thanks I'm going to go to my room now and relax call me if you need me," I said and went upstairs. 
 "What up freak," a voice hissed 
  It was Lara.  I tried to run but she caught me by the leg and dragged me back towards her. I new not to scream it would make things a lot worse. Lara was a rare, blue merle werewolf Angela and Jarred had adopted a few months ago and lets just say she hadn't adjusted well. She hated me with all her being as I was the first person she had met who was more unusual than her and that made her feel threatened.
     I didn't blame her, I didn't blame anyone who took their anger out on me I knew they couldn't help it was just their nature to reject the strange, it was what kept them alive. I did not feel this same compulsion but it did not mean I didn't sympathise after all my whole life had been driven by things beyond my control.
   She dragged me into her dark cave like room and took great pleasure in making me wait in fear for my 'lessons'. She called it being cruel to be kind whatever that meant it was neither in my opinion but who was I to question my tormentor.  "Now I heard you were plaguing some werewolves today, tut tut clearly my lessons haven't been working very well we might have to further your education."
  The werewolf species was very diverse (almost as much as the dog species though they wouldn't like to admit it) and Lara was very touchy about the fact she was one of the least common. She took great care in making sure everyone knew she was loyal to the species as a whole rather than just her own small branch. 
   The blue merle wolf was not a fur colour rather than a breed. They were the most feared among the lycanthropus kind being both the most powerful and the most unpredictable. They were born from the fire and magic of stake burnings and satanic cults meaning they often had huge abilities with light that is attributed to the moon. Often that even meant things such as control of the seas, creation of light orbs and gravity manipulation. I was fully convinced Lara felt self-conscious about the fact she had no powers of any sort though her shaggy man-wolf form was something to behold if you asked me. 
 She grew one long talon that was sharper than any mortal blade and her face changed as her wolf fought for control. 
   Quick as a flash she cracked the weapon across me face like a whip and left my right cheek stinging like crazy.  I felt the blood rush to the area and imagined the little components of my body all panicking and running to the area to see how they could help and it almost made me laugh. "Something funny," she asked replacing her usual feminine voice with the guttural growl of the beast within. When she was like this her whole appearance changed from the sweet girl with the quirky blue and white frosting hair to the fierce woman with the arctic blue eyes as hard as diamond. 
   "You know I'm mad, your mad, we're all mad here," I chuckled quietly to myself quoting my favourite book. She snarled, she hated when I said things she didn't understand which only made me do it more. 
   She withdrew the claw and cracked me hard across the jaw which even with my advanced supernatural healing would leave a bruise. She went to move towards my chest and I settled in for the long haul but suddenly she shied away like a frightened pony. "Y-You're eyes," she stammered in complete terror. 
  "What are they wrong under your ruling now too," I asked wearily. 
  Her mouth opened and closed like a surprised goldfish but couldn't seem to convey her real feelings into words she instead resorted to just, "b-bathroom."
   I sighed but did as she said and went to the bathroom and found myself staring in the mirror at my own reflection and not recognising the alien gaping back at me. 
   My eyes had turned a glowing amber and were dilated with a wild animal panic. It didn't stop there though my usually curly locks had become much longer and shaggier coming down just past my shoulders. My ears had grown bigger to peep out of the tangled mess which was going to make hat wearing a lot more painful. My other features had changed too becoming slightly pointier like the sharp sly face of the fox form I still didn't have. But as soon as it had started the strange eyes left taking the wound on my cheek with it though I still had the other oddities. 
   I decided immediately not to tell anyone about this unique occurrence and one hard glare at Lara took her scurrying away with her tail between her legs so I doubted I would have much trouble with her. It was just another thing I would have to add to my long list of things I didn't understand about myself. 

A/N oooh what's going on with Blaze the only way to find out is to read on Kits!

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